A space you go to when you take acid and ingest multiple N20 or "nang" cannisters.

It exists both in your mind and as a physical place. It is a place of happiness and wonder.
An experience of entering Nang land.

As I was lying down on my back...this shit was intense to say the least, the music crept into me as if my skull was unscrewed - directly into my senses almost. I really got the sense that everything was shimmering around me. It was almost as if I was looking at the world, centred into itself like a wormhole. Every single aspect of any detail in my vision was being pulled to the centre of my mind. There was a profoundly cliche fractal effect.

Turning my head and seeing 100+ used soda bulbs was also interesting - by this point I was so fucked I felt like I was dancing an African ritual - a ritual involving taking a dramatic toke of the creamer, followed by an even more melodramatic inhale from the balloon. Entranced by the visual chaos around me I could barely follow it...until I eventually got the hang of it by some miracle of co-ordination

I sank properly into this, I felt like I was here for hours in my own personal universe...sunk deep into the carpet a la Trainspotting.

Next thing I was properly aware of was coming up out of it - quickly. My friend said I may have felt like I was there for hours, I agreed and wondered how long it had been, turned out to take about 3 minutes.

This is nang land.
by CharlieTheGreenMan April 23, 2010
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One who crunches cream chargers in large quantities on a regular basis.
Dude, that man has no brain cells what a nang lord.
by KneeTheBarrier October 14, 2019
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Like a chav.
An undesireable. A typical slum person who doesn't really care about anyone else. Tramps really.

The pits of soceity.
Council house; one-parent family, with other parent nowehre to be seen; sex with anyone; make the sound "nang, nang, nang" when speaking, which masks their "voice"; fagashes; drunk.
by NangNangNang July 25, 2008
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Very cool. From "bare" (very) and "nang" (cool). Used by delinquent British ASBOys and girls who have forgotten or have never been taught their own language.
by Tweedie September 22, 2008
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Totally Nang is a trick shot youtube channel that has recently gained a lot of success. The phrase is often used to describe how cool or good something is.
Whoa that was Totally Nang
by Kitten789645 November 5, 2020
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Racist word referring to the hanging of black people. With the first Letter of each word switched, So instead of (n)igger (h)anging, it is (H)igger (N)anging
Hey boys, what yall say we go Higger Nanging tonight, WHOOH!
by DiiRTBaLL August 8, 2011
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"James needs to stop trying to get to Maggie's ning nang"
by yousillymongoose December 8, 2015
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