short for Most Applications Crash; If Not, The Operating System Hangs.
only used by fools who do not prefer the much better Windows
Never use a MACINTOSH
by MACINT OSHIT January 23, 2009
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Macintosh is the best type of computer available. It's often frowned upon by snooty PC enthusiasts who deem it useless and/or incapable of updating; however, it is now very easily updated. Also, Macs can run Windows, OS X, and Linux operating systems all at once! So there's no point in arguing that they can't use much software because they can run Windows applications. Also, they're faster, better in design, and simply more effective than your typical - or even your brand-new - PC.
The laptops are also stronger and have a much longer battery life.
Dude: Hey, I got this new PC and it's really cool! Glad I don't have a shitty Mac, cuz they have no programs.
Chick: Get out of the stone age, Macs have tons of programs and they're more efficient than any fuckin' PC. Get a Macintosh.
Dude: Stupid bitch! -shot-
by boil ur head July 11, 2008
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A computer made by Apple. They come in many flavors as in the Mac Pro, the Mac mini, the MacBook Pro and Air, and then the iMac and the iMac Pro. They usually cost around 1,000USD to 5,000USD, so it's better to buy them second-hand.

On intel Macs, you can install Linux or Windows on them.
Person: "Did you see that new Macintosh? I think I might buy it."
Person 2: "Yeah you're better off getting that model of off eBay, It's way too expensive for what you get."
by TheInternetCar October 19, 2021
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Also called Mac, it's an expensive paperweight, with a buggy OS called "Mac O-Eh Sex Leopard" that hangs all the time. It has a nice design, but the hardware is poor and the OS, as said earlier, is very buggy.

You can buy a PC with 800$.
You can buy a Mac with the same specs of a PC with 1000$ more!

Windows PWNS Mac OS!
And when Macs crash, the crash is caused by the OS and they just show "You need to restart the computer" in 4 languages.

When Windows crashes, the crash is caused by a 3rd party software or hardware and they help you solve their problem in their blue screen of death.
by TheWindows7Guy January 27, 2009
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The computers made by Apple. Hated by most windows users. It mainly runs the OSX operating system, but some older models can run the OS9 system, while the newer ones can dual boot with Windows.

A computer that is just as capable of doing things as a Windows based PC is. The problem is that the mac bashers out there have little or no experience with the operating system, and are mostly lazy ignorant teenagers who spell like crap; and are completely unable to wrap their mind around the concept of change. As soon as they realize that the GUI of OSX is WAY easier to use than windows, they shit themselves and run back to good 'ol Vista. Any open-minded person would realize that it is crucial not to get all hyped about something, and completely hate everything else,
Me: I love my Macintosh!

Mac Hater: psh!!!1!11 windows ish so much betta becuz it haz gamse!!11!

Me: Well, the Mac has games too. And it can dual boot Windows, or use Parallels to play games. Can Windows do that?

Mac Hater: weel u jus liek appl becuz your are a fag fanbuy and you suck dick gay faggot ashole cunt!

Me: Dude, I don't even like Apple, I don't own an iPod, and I have 2 Windows based PC's and a Mac.

Mac Basher: wellz all i eva hasd wuz a windowz so ix not guna change fo your ass. gay fag bistch macs hate windowas asnd dont even play gamwes.

Me: Okay, well. I'm gonna go skate. See ya!
by WOOOM February 25, 2010
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Macintosh is a computer operating system that is created by Apple to try to make computer life fuller, crisper, cleaner, and better on many levels. The Macintosh website has many legitimate reasons to buy a Mac that PC fanboys will claim are stupid, myths, or standard on their PC.

Unlike other computers, Macintosh comes with programs you will use and programs that make it easier to manage your files.

Those who give thumbs down to this entry are PC fanboys, and have probably never tried a Mac, and believe any PC is just fine with an anti-virus, even though, to an extent, it does slow the computer down.

Macintosh is also a computer assembled completely in one place by the people who write the software. Apple builds their own computer, and therefore, know what runs best with their Operating system, whereas other operating systems are hit-and-miss.
User 1: Dammit, man, stop trying to send me stuff, I told you, my Windows vista just crashed from viruses and won't work anymore. You know what it is right?

Smarter guy: No actually, I don't have to worry about that with my Macintosh.

User 1: Yeah, I bet that thing took forever to download all your programs.

Smarter guy: No actually, all the programs I use came with my macintosh already installed.
by KT JDDD August 10, 2010
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A computer some people seem to think sucks and is "overpriced" when building a PC with the specifications of a Mac Pro is EXACTLY the same price! Actually a little less! It is because they don't understand because of it's previous failures from OS9 to Panther. But now it is known as the most advanced operating system in the world due to it's ability to surpass almost any PC on the market in benchmarks. That TAKES SKILL M$ you can't even make an OS capable of running well on your own platform! Reasons any Mac hater is wrong:
1. Macs are no where near overpriced, go build a computer with equal specs and make sure you don't skimp on the quality of your parts you will see the Mac Pro is under-priced! FB-DIMMS are expensive as are 2 friggin Xeons!! THAT'S 8 CORES so don't complain ONLY 2 GIGS!!?!? FOR $2799!!!??! you want overpriced? Go see how fucking expensive Windows 7 is going to be and how many versions there are going to be with almost nothing added between 100s of dollars.
2. It can edit videos, pictures, and audio better than any PC on the market can hence almost everything you do related to media was done on a Mac those retarded "I'm a PC" ads DONE ON A MAC!! FAILURE M$
3. They run fast for life because they don't open every goddamn application at once upon start-up and there are almost no viruses out there for them.
4. They can run every OS on the planet efficiently and sexily.
5. The one thing I will admit is they suck for gaming...but that is all they suck at.
6. It doesn't crash when you insert a flash drive or play a video.
AND PLEASE DON'T THUMBS DOWN ME BECAUSE YOU LIKE WINDOWS BETTER. I do not hate Windows by any means I just think OS X is better...
Dude I just built myself an 8 core PC instead of a Macintosh!!

Really how much did it cost?


by Alucard Hellsing February 17, 2009
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