the best operating system for people who really want to use a computer
man... this new linux server is fast.... it only installed in a few minutes and it dont hog RAM like windows server 2003 did.... and you can completly customize the kernel!
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The BEST OS I've used in a long time, that piece of crap made by Microsoft (let's face it, all things Microsoft are crap, it's a good thing there is a way to run Linux on an XBox, assuming anyone would want to which they probaby would) was as unstable as hell. Linux is free, stable, can be used for home computing though not many people do as they think. Also, Linux is ideal for server applications though most college IT admins use Windows server instead because they are lame arses. My advice, go and get some blank cds and download Linux, you have nothing to lose
Windows: Piece of crap made by that crap software company called Microsoft (who stick product keys on the software)

Linux: Unix-type OS that is free, stable, and works 24/7
by Pika_Pikachu July 20, 2005
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An operating system made for wordopen-source/word software. While more stable and dependent, it is harder to learn, which confuses the poor illiterate moronic rednecks putting up spam. They are confused by an OS that wont come with everything to make life easy for them, hence the misplaced anger.
Seriously, all you anti-linux posters, just because your iq isnt above 2, doesn't mean that you can post crap.
Linux rules.
"uhh.......linux.....pedo....dork.........what was i saying?......lets go have a little backyard wrestling and then go rape some sheep!"
by Anonymous June 11, 2003
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At least linux isn't backing up the TCPA, fuckheads. If microsoft were in control all you could do on computers is sit on your ass and play your little games all day.
by restin256 December 23, 2003
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The OS that is used by people who know what they are doing.
Windows is for loosers, MAC OS is for housewifes, real men use Linux. Linux, makes your balls 20% heavier.
by Hui-Nu February 17, 2010
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I love booting into knoppix linux with my live CD and hacking from an internet cafe'.
by l337994 May 2, 2005
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An OS that runs servers a lot more fucking stable than Windows. By the way Windows fucks, RH9 is pretty damn simple to install. You can try it, or you can be amazed at the pretty icons Windows offers you.
Linux > Windows
People who can't use Linux should have their computers confiscated.

By the way, I hate you all.
by Boris August 16, 2003
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