The most beatiful girl in the world who has the face of angels and a sexy tan body. Really smart and hilarious with the greatest personality ever. Also musically talented and you will never be able to get her off your mind. But she won't have sex with you because she's Mormon so you just have to wait to marry her.
David:I love Kylie so freaking much!!!!

Will:She lives in Utah now so there is no use.

David: I know it sucks!!!
by Joker 99 October 27, 2011
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A boomerang, Australian aboriginal cultural hunting small bommerang which is straght at one end and slightly curved at the other.
by kylie August 7, 2003
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describes a random person who steals your french fries. no matter where you are, if you buy french fries a kyli will surely find you and grab a few fries on the way by.
guy 1) hey dude what happened to your fries!!
guy 2)crap a stupid kyli must have grabbed them while i wasnt looking!
by Substitute Shinigami March 16, 2009
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a beautiful, kind soul who is liked by many. extremely athletic, and RIPPED, but does not like to express her athleticism. boys think shes a hotty, but know shes too good for them. kylies are not aware of their beauty, kindness, and uniqueness, and are super humble. if you ever find yourself a kylie, make sure to hold on tight and never let that gem slip away.
Would ya look at that girl! She's definitely a Kylie. No doubt about it!
by naming ninja November 16, 2016
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This girl is practically an angel. Anyone who meets her can't help but think about her all the time. Everybody wants to be her friend and get closer to her. She's so incredibly fun and is freaking HALARIOUS. Oh yeah, not to mention she is drop dead GORGEOUS. She the most beautiful eyes and voice. She doesn't sing for very many people, but those that she does instantly falls in love with her and her voice. It's incredible. Kylie is truly the most talented girl you'll meet. She's athletic, artistic, and basically anything you could think of she's the best at. Overall, she's hands down the most amazing person you'll ever meet.
Justin: I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Kylie.
Brady: I don't blame you, she really is the best.
by watermelonlver1417 February 19, 2019
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Kylie is an amazing person.. she will be loyal to her loved ones .
An amazing girlfriend... and is makes a great couple with a “wyatt

She is amazing at cuddling, gives the best kisses.. and is clingy and protective.
Kylie is just an all out amazing person. She loves everyone and is very pretty.
She must be a kylie she is so pretty!
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a very hilarious girl, but when shes mad she can be a bitch but is usually nice and sweet most of the time. amazing dancer. she loves to rap and usually has a stalker that watches her walk to school and walk home. she gotta bangin bod' and wears push up bras everyday! she wont go to school without one.
did you see kylie dance? that booty shakinnnnn!
by thekittygang April 16, 2011
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