A group of people who have no fear in God and will not hesitate to trade their souls for money and fame thus giving up their after life and spreading the word of satan in many different ways through music politics sponsors etc
Did you see Doja cats new album

YEAH man its so scary shes definetley lost it to the illuminati
by uglybitch23 September 9, 2023
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The Illuminati did, in fact, exist in the late 1730s. In modern day society, it is perceived as a group of cultists who control the world; god-like, angelic creatures.
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They are a secret agenda starting from a few millennia ago. The early civilisation made a law that the population must be on or under 500,000,000 people in order not to destroy the Earth. The illuminati are assigned to do that by killing people, making people have only one child per couple, all for reducing population.

Do not trust any mass media. Do not trust in any bullshit that breaks the laws of physics. They are using HAARP to create artificial weather to destroy us. Only half a million of us will survive after world war 3. New world order is coming soon. And it is because the Revelation told us.

Huge clouds of locusts attack us.
Then the fake saviour came.
Then so on...
Illuminati: go to space man! We will put you in a rocket.
Guy: why?
Illuminati: we are helping nature.
Guy: you can't do that!
by Ardune October 23, 2014
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A secret organization that consist of the most famous and powerful people on earth. There goal is to take control of the world using the media to influence people.
by Blah blah blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh October 16, 2015
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A drinking game similar to beirut, except that the triangle of cups has 13 cups in the back row, rather than 4. Furthermore, the cups in the middle of the 5th and 7th rows contain an additional full beer (for a total of 1 and 1/5), rather than the usual 1/5. The game is played with 3 people per team, and a simple game (coin toss, rock/paper/scissors, eye to eye, etc) is used to determine who shoots first. All other rules are similar to beirut, which some may call beer pong.
Two straight games of Illuminati are enough to fuck anyone up.
by Dan A October 31, 2005
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The organization initially founded in 1776 as the Bavarian Illuminati. Known for being a huge conspiracy. Their internet-famous logo is the green eye in the triangle. Probably watching you rn. Now a dead meme

The Illuminati is destined to set the New World Order
by 1babucu1 November 3, 2018
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The most secret umbrella organization over a host of other secret societies designed to maintain control of the otherwise dangerous mass of humanity.

Working similar to Asimov's Foundation, the Illuminati controls and uses oppossing political forces within a country to focus energy that could otherwise result in dangerous conflict into a harmless contest between two Illuminati members playing roles no more real than world-wide wrestling conflicts.

The Illuminati (and their sub organizations) have as their goal the highest goals of providing a world that is safe for peace and virtue. Many members of sub organizations do not even realize that they are being used in larger scale purposes.

The highest order members of the Illuminati are carefully selected from among the leaderships children to ensure that their upbringing has included both the ability and spirit for independent thought and the comittment to service of humanity. Children are not told the nature of the organization until they have proven themselves in adulthood.

The Illuminati are so widespread that members are only able to recogine other members through an intricate network of Christian symbols, religious keywords, secret handshakes, and membership in sub organizations (e.g. Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Block S, 7 Society, Omega, etc.)
by Carmin Fasulo March 28, 2004
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