Buying more books (u usually don't need)
Can't think of an example about Book Hauls to write here, plz help xD
by Booksre awesome Dont fight me January 14, 2022
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1. To run faster then you usually do.
Me and Tyre was hauling ass when we saw 5-0 the other day! That shit was cray!
by She Crute or Nah July 2, 2014
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To speed; going faster than what is considered the norm.
"Holy shit Batman! That dude just hauled balls passed us! Let's go catch that fucker! Bahahahahaha"
by DviousV April 11, 2011
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Verb - Used to describe the act of smoking marijuana (especially in cold climate areas).
1) Heh, does anyone know where Bob is?
2) He's out hauling wood.
by Krystian74 January 15, 2011
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Refers to when you and get a lot a pusssy (girls) with your bike
You're not hauling pussy with that bike
by Pusserton June 17, 2017
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Bus or train full of ill, coughing and/or sneezing people. You never know what you're going to catch from them. It just might as well be TB!
Another ride on that Haul-A-TB and I can kiss all my sick leave goodbye!
by pentozali December 11, 2008
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Somebody was shootin' at me so I hauled boogie
by SVF November 21, 2013
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