Someone who's features are best seen under a gimp mask.
Hey gimp features, Fuck-off.
by Mr. Skullhead February 17, 2004
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character flaw; personality defect; one of 7 chief features of the ego that one must overcome to be whole
which one is your chief feature?

self-deprecation, self-destruction, martyrdom, stubbornness, greed, arrogance, impatience.
by admityourhuman September 23, 2013
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When one has a striking facial resemblance to a ball bag.
Barry: You know Harry, right?
Jerry: The one with a ball bag for a face?
Barry: Yeah, scrot features.
Jerry: Oh yeah, he's actually a great guy whom I look forward to seeing again, but his resemblance to a ball bag is unmistakeable.
by Cock Piss Partridge March 19, 2014
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Similar to twat features, but thats just a derogitory term.
Coon features actuallly describes a person to have black person features, E.g a huge nose, or huge slug lips.
Maybe a huge booty.
Dude would you think of tapping that hot white girl over there?

Wtf dude, that chick has coon features you twat feature.
by Coonschoolbus March 29, 2010
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(n.) an attribute of a high-end product used to lure people with too much money into buying it instead of a less expensive model that will work just as well for their purposes. Combined these features assist in creating douche bag appeal.
Jim barely knows how to use his email, but he was drawn to the MacBook Pro due to the asshole features. The backlit keyboard was the gimmick that finally sealed the deal.

BMWs automobiles are loaded with asshole features to seduce douche bags with too much money.
by jacobre1 February 27, 2008
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Anything that vibrates and can be used like a vibrator
dude that guy always has his phone set on nurture feature
by Cuban711 April 12, 2008
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