A person who, in their attempt to spurn the hegemony, abdicates the conventional social clique for a marginalized one; thereby maintaining their dependence and unwittingly forfeiting their individuality to another, equally common social class.
by Shane Cavanaugh October 4, 2003
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stuck up artsy types that are convinced that they listen to the best music in the world and stare down anyone who starts to like "their" band. characterized by unoriginal clothing, most likely purchased from Urban Outfitters and/or may be loaded with cash, helping them design an indie image and buying every fucking CD that is featured on insound.com
I converted from being an indie elitist to a commie.
by you only wish you knew April 22, 2003
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More formally, a 'Heavy Metal Elitists', are members of the Heavy Metal community/fan-base, usually aficionado, whose long term experiences with Metal music has often led them to develop a sense of passion that is frequently interpreted as stubbornness or arrogance.
Often times their knowledge of heavy metal not just limited to knowing lots of bands. Most are familiar with the musical characteristics (scales, theories, etc.), attitudes, history, people, and social issues relating to heavy metal.
Usually Elitists shun people new to metal because the noobs are unable to cite knowledge from those aforementioned topics to support their statements about a band.
One misconception is that they do not listen to any other music besides Heavy Metal and some will even restrict themselves to only particular metal sub-genres. While it is common practice to adhere to only a few sub-genres within their taste of Heavy Metal, however outside of Metal, many do have diverse tastes in music. Although they may detest mainstream music like pop or hip-hop, most are often fond of other music such as jazz, blues, classical, and punk, since these types of music are highly influential to Heavy Metal.
Another misconception is that they think Heavy Metal is the most superior music on earth. Most Elitists will admit that the skills and novelty in the some compositions of jazz and classical marvel that of Metal.
Do not confuse a Metal Elitist with:
1) an asshole who happens to like metal, or 2) a metalhead who happens to be an asshole. Some Elitist, by nature, will be an asshole (in turn) if you make unsupported statements about certain bands.
by set-firetotheland October 22, 2009
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Authoritarian cocksuckers who hate all metal outside of Slayer, Pantera, and those shitty generic thrash metal bands from the 80s. Claim to be fighting against "corporate metal" but in reality just attack anything they deem to be shit, regardless of whether it is corporate or not. Gathering places include Metal Archives and YouTube comments on metal videos. They also claim there is such a thing as "real metal" when in reality musical taste is entirely subjective, and there is no right or wrong in terms of liking music or disliking it.
Metal Elitist: fuk this ghey corporate slam deathcore tech death sheiit all day do iz just strum dey loware strings dey hole time n shred

Me: Well last time I checked Slayer or Pantera didn't make any particular use of the higher strings except for solos.

Metal Elitist: fuk u u ghey queer u dount no sheiit about the real metls u mind iz possessed bi ten corporations u fukin slave
by Driller64 March 31, 2017
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A gay male or female that refuses to acknowledge any gay who is less attractive of them because they think they are better than them on the basis of physical attractiveness.
That elitist gay didn't respond to my Facebook message or add me back on Snapchat, but reblogged everything of that gay model.
by Cade R October 9, 2016
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Someone who's an asshole about being a Metal head, putting down others for liking other genres or some types of Metal

Just don't be a dick about listening to Metal
Dude, Dave is such a metal Elitist. He yelled at some dude just listening to Nu Metal
by THE W1TCH DOCTOR June 10, 2021
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A person, regardless of party affiliation, who thinks that they are better than another person, simply because of their alignment with a particular political party/cause/opinion/etc., and as such, exhibits anger and/or animosity towards another person because they have a different view/opinion.
A precise contradiction of tolerance and acceptance of others, based purely in political/sociological prejudice.
"I'm, like, so totally open minded and accept everybody for who they are. What? What do you mean you voted for a Republican? You baby-killing, seal-clubbing Nazi! How dare you not agree with me! You're just like Hitler"


"I can't believe those God-hating, hippie, drug-addicts. How dare they want health-care reform! Don't they know that prayer will fix all their ills? If they want health-care, they should just go get a job."


"You're such a political elitist douche-bag! Why would you start screaming at me, calling me names, and attacking what you perceived as my political affiliation, because I had a ham sandwich for lunch?"
by Centered Realist February 12, 2010
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