My favorite song that makes life worth living. I LOVE YOU BEYONCÉ!!!!
What's your favorite song???
Oh, it's Love Drought by Beyoncé! That's my girl!!! 😝😝 AAAAAAA
by Beyoncés wife (Bella <33) October 16, 2023
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When your throat hurts so you can’t fit a big old yogurt creation stick in there.
- please don’t stick your cheese factory machine in my swallow grommet- I’ve got throat drought
by Holla11 November 6, 2020
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The feeling that one gets the morning after eating D.P. Dough directly before bed, synonymous with a desert in one's mouth.
"I knew i shouldn't have eaten D.P. Dough before bed. I got the fuckin D.P. Drought again... Fuck!"
by xbiggyxshortyx January 3, 2010
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when your friend group is lacking tea
"yo nothing is interesting anymore"

"ikr, it's such a tea drought"
by phantomgirll November 17, 2019
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When your mouth is so dry from partying and drinking that your checks suck in causing you to pout. Usually preceded by cotton mouth.
Look at that guys drought pout! He needs some water!
by simon penn aimie quinn July 26, 2007
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When a soil has been deprived of water for a mega-amount of time, it goes into quiescence and becomes what is known as drought-hibernized
"The first rain has arrived and is bunker-bombing itself into the drought-hibernized ground."
by mimbijones April 4, 2023
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When either sex ain't getting play! The duration between the last time you got "pie" all over your face or when you played "Hide The Sausage" until the next time.
Dan: "What's wrong, Stan?"
Stan: "I'm going through what I think might be withdraw."
Dan: "What do you mean?"
Stan: " This has been the longest pussy drought I've gone through since my college days!"
by stone412 December 29, 2014
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