Drinking a nice hot cup of pee
Hold on, do you want me to go get a cup and pee in it or do you want me to stick my pee machine down your mouth so you can have some fresh?
by PEEinYOURmouth January 25, 2005
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A person or gang of people who drink in public places such as parks or streets, usually drinking under age and drinking Cider that has never seen an apple...
Bill: Mad night last night, I was wasted
Ben: Where you go?
Bill: On the park with the rest of the ASBO Drinkers
by llSalfordll October 16, 2009
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An undefined cough the day (or days) after a binge drinking session.
Jackie: (coughing)

Matt: wtf, do you have covid?
Jackie: no it's just drinker's cough. It's a real thing.
by FakeID1234 August 30, 2021
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a phrase that is related to british people as they drink lots of tea
Hey are you a tea-drinker because your accent sounds off
by lauchfromdarkages June 15, 2022
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you go out for a good clubbing / drinking session with alot of notes. Every time you go to the bar you pull out a note to pay with. 'Drinkers Pocket' is what you have the next morning when you put on the trousers you had on the night before. or search trough them to find your cash
last night i went out with £100. ordered a fair few drinks, the next morning i checked my pockets, i had "drinkers Pocket with around £25-£30 left all in £1, 50p and other coins.
by Matt2210 June 7, 2010
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When you wake up after a night of drinking and feel guilty about your behavior the night before.
"Yo, I went out last night and slapped a midget. I got serious drinkers guilt!"
by PapaRegs December 9, 2013
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Drinkers regret usually happens the day of the hangover, but it will likely surface long after that. It's that time of the day when you feel guilty and embarrassed, for no known reason, and then all of a sudden the images of you at the party enter your mind, and you recall in vivid detail all the spirited things you said and the outrageously exaggerated emotions you experienced. And you wonder how anyone could still like you after that night. And then you argue with yourself, pondering why people shouldn’t like you more instead. After all, being spirited, showing passion and emotion, dancing, and humiliating yourself shatters the ego and breaks the ice.
Brian: Man, I have serious drinkers regret today, and that party was a last week. I bet everyone thinks I'm a fucking idiot, and possibly gay because I did drink from some dudes' beer bottle. What!? I just wanted to have a taste. I would never do that when I'm sober though! And on top of it, I started dancing with sub-par skills.

Steve: Well mate, look on the bright side, at least you didn't take shots of your own urine or make out with some dude. And it's better to dance horribly than to not dance at all in my opinion, because at least it breaks the ice and people aren't scared of socializing with you in the future. Besides, most everyone is focused on their own drinkers regret.

Brian: Thanks ay, I do feel better. It’s all part of being human.
by sleepfan March 25, 2014
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