Ukrainian Radar Detector (noun): A speeding vehicle which when followed, acts as a radar detector for the vehicle behind it, by being detected at radar traps and pulled over, thus allowing the following vehicle to pass the radar trap.


-The premodifier "Ukrainian" is in place to denote the low-budget, hack-job, ghettoness of using a "Ukrainian radar detector"

-The head of the noun, "radar detector" is used ironically in that the vehicle does not actually detect radar waves, but simply distracts the police for the vehicle behind it.
Driver: "There's a speed trap ahead, we'd better follow another speeder so he can be our Ukrainian radar detector."
Ukrainian: "Yes! Ukrainian radar detector is best radar detector!"
by Viktor Yanukovych January 25, 2014
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Ice water enema. Administered unsuspectingly - usually in a 2 gallon container maintained at 35 degrees Farenheit delivered through all weather tubing secured in place with a 6 inch, stainless steel barbed nozzle. Used exclusively when interrogating your loving partner about her smelling like cheap men's cologne and fresh semen after coming home at 2 AM.
My cheatin' wife thought I was a friggin' moron until I sweet-talked her into doggie style where I whipped out my Alaskan Lie Detector and showed her a new meaning to being a 'cold bitch' ... as we got to the truth of who she was fuckin'.
by KingTigerKommander April 5, 2009
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Wet-O-Wheel Detector ~or~ WOW Detector:
Fictitious measuring device or instrument referenced when determining the level of sexual excitement & arousal in a woman. Commonly used in speech amongst females as a barometer to score or articulate the level of attractiveness of a man.
"What do you think of Michael?"
"He measures an 8.5 on my Wet-O-Wheel Detector"
"Yeah, well I've seen Micky naked; he's a 10 on the WOW-D"
by xxxsecretg September 18, 2006
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Wet-O-Wheel Detector ~or~ WOW Detector:
Fictitious measuring device or instrument referenced when determining the level of sexual excitement & arousal in a woman. Commonly used in speech amongst females as a barometer to score or articulate the level of attractiveness of a man.
"What do you think of Michael?"
"He measures an 8.5 on my Wet-O-Wheel Detector"
"Yeah, well I've seen Micky naked; he's a 10 on the WOW-D"
by xsecretg September 15, 2006
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It's the built internal mechanism that reins in your ability to lie compulsively about your age, sex, hair colour, and/or location on the internet just becuase you can, some people have it, some people don't.
SkitZoe: I was playing elfquest online and I may have told silverkiss123 that I'm a fourteen-year-old emo abuse victim at which point he became very adamant about his love for me and determination to fly in from Belgium and rescue me. Do you think I can pull that off?
Internet Sociopath Lie Detector: That's a no, and now report immediately to church.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh February 24, 2010
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When your smoke detector's battery gets low, and it makes unwanted tweets all night.
What happened to the smoke detector last night? I kept hearing these stupid little tweets all night long. Oh, the battery is dying, so it became a Donald Trump Smoke Detector.
by Chas501 December 4, 2017
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