A verbal blessing from the almighty Howard. If you do or say something he finds beneficial he might bless you with the almighty 'Coconut.'
"Correct! Give the Lady/Gentleman a coconut!"
- Howard the Almighty
by EllTheAyy September 5, 2019
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The haircut referring to bowl cuts on Korean celebrities ...
Jungkook be looking like a coconut head lately ...
by Nochucomethru January 11, 2017
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An Indian person who acts like a white person. Brown on the outside, White on the inside.
by D-azz January 15, 2015
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her coconuts kept showing coz we cant afford any bigger sized bras and tank tops.
by nobody else here April 17, 2017
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a person who has a big head and thinks highly of themselves
Jack is a coconut. Even thought he is no better than the rest of us.
by chaselc June 18, 2011
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A black man who acts white. Example: Like the fruit a coconut is brown on the outside, yet white on the inside.
Man, that nigga right there is a coconut, his ass might as well be white.
by Chris Fago December 28, 2004
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1. n. Used in accordance with someone who is Indian, Goan, Maylay, Sri Lankan, etc, when they are born in Canada or USA and they are assimilated to the latters culture.

2. n. Someone Indian Goan, Maylay, Srilankan, etc, that is crazy. They are coco (brown) and a nut (crazy). They are brown, and crazy. For whatever reason.
1. Jephtinder didn't believe it until she went to the Green Day rock concert. She had never seen so many Coconut(s) in one place in her life.

2. Today we saw this baby blue volvo at a car show with mercedes headlights this audi a4 bumper. It was weird. The guy driving it was a coconut.
by CoconutColin June 19, 2005
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