A stupid yellow bird that you are supposed to torture at sleepovers with your friends (Don’t worry it’s just a stuffed animal) ;)
Prescott: Where’s “The Big Bird” ?
Patty: He’s in my freezer :)
by WiiSportsBoy March 21, 2022
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A god like being that has created all of existence
by bigbirdcultOFF June 27, 2020
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Word on the Sesame Street is this word means a term used to describe a chick who is tall and blonde.
Jason "My ideal girlfriend is a Big Bird."
Johnathan "From Sesame Street but dude he identifies as male."
Jason "No no no a chick that's tall and blonde."
Johnathan "Oh I see"
by J Slasher March 12, 2021
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he is a childrens chareter from seseme street also he lures childeren to become his slaves and hide from police.
person 1"see that child disapear"
big bird"nooooo"
by 127594623741 April 30, 2019
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Big bird is a best friend. Big bird is someone who you love more than anything and care about with your whole heart. You met big bird and never knew how big of a part they would become in your life. They make you feel tremors in your heart. They make you feel the happiest and you can trust them with anything. never let go of big bird, ever.
Everyone needs a big bird in their life.
by Joeeeeeemaaamaaammmmaaa September 27, 2020
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Someone who is top tier in regards to ratchedness.
John W II is a big bird I know.
by heatherelise March 30, 2021
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A word to refer to big women with blond hair. It is used to make fun of somebody.
Big bird called me down to the principals office again.
by Fuckmikepence May 5, 2019
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