A stretchy skin pouch used to house the testicles. Useful for storing a load until it can be squirted onto a girl's face. Especially if said girl likes the taste of ball sweat.
"hey babe, I heard you like salt and vinegar"
"lol ya it tastes like ball sweat"
"Wanna lick my sack while I jerk off and cum on your face"
"omg really? Will I get a fat load?
"yeah coz you're a dirty skank"
by skumliterati March 11, 2015
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the extreme, the most extreme. more extreme than balls
it's hotter than motherfucking sack in here.
by steamboat billy January 28, 2005
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In Iowa this term refers to a plastic bag which you may be offered at your local gas station or grocery store. If anyone ever offers you a sack, the correct response is, "sure, I'll take as many sacks as I can get." A sack can also be used as a pair of shorts in a drunken state.
"Would you like a sack with your busch lights and magnum condoms?"

-"Sure, I'll take as many sacks as I can get."
by Colangelo May 6, 2005
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A person who displays sack-like behavior. This person will usually contains characteristics such as minimal brain function and very low productivity.
"Man that guy is such a sack"
"Nice call you sack"
by Ghandi Eyes June 11, 2008
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1.(n) A piece of fabric one carries possessions in.
2.(n) The scrotum.
3.(v) To fire (end of employment)
1. "Hey, put those golf balls in the sack"
2. "Man, I just got hit really hard in the sack, I think I'm going to throw up."
3. "Man, since you suck, you are sacked!"
by Uccio June 12, 2008
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an insult used frequently or as a light hearted diss to distract, "put-off", or annoy freinds and co workers. The word refers to a gentlemans scrotum.
from distance a freind is tuning a girl, you yell "sack!" as loudly as possible or "peter is a sack!". It is best used in a drive-by sense. Or when someone is about to snap to get maximum effect.
by kieran schulz January 14, 2009
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"Ay where are you going?"

"You're always on the sack! Get off squirrel humper!"
by Sk8 Depot October 24, 2007
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