*You send a meme to your friend* He responds with "XD"
by Shalfoshizzle May 15, 2017
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an internet expression used to symbolize laughing but is only used by cringey "Internet Kidz" and people who really need more time off the internet to improve their social life
Guy-Hey, whats up
Internet Kid-XD
Guy- shut the fuck up
by IOnlyMadeThisAccountForThis January 16, 2017
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An emoticon used by 4th graders trying to be funny. It can also be spelled as "ecks dee", and again, only little kids who discovered comedy like 2 weeks prior will find it funny. This emoticon is also a one-way ticket to being bullied relentlessly if used in the wrong place, such as a discord chat.
Little kid: "Haha XD lmao XD XD XD"
Literally everyone else: "Kys kid"
by 69bruhman69 May 8, 2020
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XD is a lauging face used by edgy 12 year old's that listen to kpop and are too lazy to write out the sound that humans actually make when they laugh.
Person 1: OMG did you see the funny kpop fail???

Person 3: please die.
by DefrostedIY November 7, 2017
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A sign of laughing or happiness, originally from the internet as it turned upside down is a dying laughing face.
XD That was wonderful
by Anti Fortnut Community February 22, 2019
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some weird shit,kids created
by Your mother is a sin June 24, 2018
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