a not-so-sneaky way of saying that you are on your rag or riding the crimson tide. it is also a warning sign for men that they should either get away from the girl saying that her uterus hurts or kiss her ass and bring her comfort food. :-)
Guy: "Hey, what's wrong, are you sick or something?"

Girl: "I'm not sick, it's just that my uterus hurts!!!!!"

Guy: Thinking *maybe I should have walked away 5 minutes ago... fuck me... it's too late now.... oh well...*

Still Guy: "Hey, I have this Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, I love Reese's... But I know you like them too... You need it more than I do, for both our sakes..." *Guy hands Girl the Reese's*

Girl: "Thanx." *Gobbles up the chocolate!* "But you still need to FUCK OFF!!!!"
by Lindy Lou October 15, 2008
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Big uterus energy proves that unashamed power and confidence can come from anyone, regardless of gender.

Everyone has a right to make their own choices about their own bodies, but also; keep calm and bleed on.
Knowledgeable adult 1: "Did you hear AOCs speech at the Oversight Committee hearing?"
Knowledgeable adult 2: "Yes, she has some serious big uterus energy going on!"
by chavol May 9, 2019
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I can't go out tonight I've got the quivering uterus, it sucks!

by Min-D-Moo March 5, 2009
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A quiet confidence that comes from knowing millions of women are going to vote republicans out of office

No uterus needed
You’ve got some big uterus energy!
by Penny@ July 5, 2018
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When a male convinces a female that he intends to engage in intercourse with her with the lights off, only to use a special tool to remove the woman's uterus. Once removed, the uterus is draped over the woman's shoulders and the fallopian tubes act as carrying rods for the male's belongings.
Cedric: Why is Helen carrying Rod's wallet and keys over her shoulders with that reproductive organ?
Fred: He performed a Yorktown Uterus Yoke on her. Now she is obligated to carry his belongings.
by jaquescosteau September 2, 2010
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A Unique Metal Band From Ontario, Canada. One day three friends decided to brainstorm ideas. Wouldn’t it be cool to start a metal band? A band so brutal, with lyrics never heard before to the metal world. Like that Uterus Cavity was born. Fellow U.C. members justinSANE, nikNABROSKI-PWN and jeremyMETALOZA would brainstorm the band name, soon to be coming to a venue near you. We’ve created many song names, soon to all have lyrics. Our first singles ANAL DEFACEMENT, SHOTGUN ABORTION and PIERCED RECTUM CLAVICLE are soon to be sweeping the airwaves of METAL radio all over Canada. Fellow bandmates mikeMINDLESS and brendanBROOTAL took on the first two singles Anal Defacement and Shotgun Abortion, while other bandmate justinSANE took on Pierced Rectum Clavicle.

* Names in this are NICKNAMES, NOT REAL NAMES.

- Dude, metal's now pop, Listen to Uterus Cavity, its REAL METAL AGAIN!

- Uterus Cavity = Life
by Michael Lamarre April 1, 2008
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to make a u-turn in your car while driving.
Oops, I missed my turn. I'll just go ahead and bust a uterus and go back.
by Chowhall March 24, 2011
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