When you are stoned and are great at typing the number 6 on your keyboard

(the number 6 championship nigga)

Usually when one is under the influence of mushrooms that have been grown fertalized and sold in tescos and asda supermarkets and such
Wow, these mushrooms I got at the supermarket are great, im tripping, the number 6 is great for the number 6 pressing championship... 666666
by James Cairns Laindon March 26, 2005
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For college students, it refers to the late night trips to the library; late night studying at the library or any study hall facility
"Hey what are you doing?"

"I'm just tripping until I finish my essay."
by VicePres June 26, 2009
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usually feeling in a state of disarray or seeing a whole bunch of colors and wierd organic shapes that turn into things affects of Acid or LSD
dude i was tripping when i saw that Pink Floyd movie "The Wall"
by josh September 17, 2003
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Duke fans: Grayson Allen hasn’t even tripped anyone since freshman year!
The rest of the world: Fool, Grayson still tripping!
basketball cheat dook
by UndertheC March 10, 2018
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When two friends take drugs, and appear in two different dimensions. It can only occur if the drug is man-made.
Me and my man took a drug some baron was selling and i ended up in hell, i thought we were tripping.
by LeilaSP March 15, 2019
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A thing you really want to do but you can never afford it.
by YURRSELF June 13, 2017
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