The vagina, vagene, puss, pussy, Pandora’s wet box, twat aka the royal split
The vagina, vagene, puss, pussy, Pandora’s wet box, twat aka the royal split

You gotta get ya ding-dong wet in the royal fuckin split
by Meat beef October 19, 2020
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1. (N) A very unfortunate event in which a simple trip to the restroom turns into a calamity of extreme proportions. The split trip occurs when a man is at the urinal enjoying an exhilarating piss and unexpectedly a mud butt blast escapes, possibly resulting in soiled underpants. To be safe, one is often required to shuffle gingerly into the nearest stall to perform a visual inspection, and/or the finger test. This extra trip to the stall constitutes the split trip.

2. (V) The act of split tripping oneself.
1. Devin only had a few minutes between meetings so he quickly went to the restroom to take a leak. Unfortunately, a catastrophe ensued and the simple trip turned into a split trip. Devin had shatted upon himself on accident.

2. Poor Phammy... He was pushing so hard at the urinal he not only ruptured a blood vessel in his eyeball, he also split tripped in his favorite bikin briefs.
by S. Bruno September 16, 2008
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Cut a knife in two, shove one end in your peehole and the other in your anus, fucking wildly back and forth.
So Jon was into some weird stuff, dude decided to perform a knife to split and needed Sarah's friend, Katie to join them. Katie willingly accepted as she was a bit of a urethraholic, but we'll get into that another time. He decided to go handle first on both sides, producing the knife blade ends' for his ladies. He got into a back and forth humping motion slaughtering Katie while she tried to suck his dick, turning it into a wildly bloody and gratuitous event. Sarah, on the other end, handled it like a fucking champ and went ass to ass with Jon until climaxing at a G-spot orgasm for several hours. She wiped her booty and rubbed the dirtied cloth on Jon's face asking, "Is that all you got for me, babe?"
by PGVaginamort November 23, 2016
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Verb. The act of passing a solid excrement through the line of a g-string or thong underwear.
"After a long and laborious night of burritos and beer, Wendy found herself log splitting the next day at work"
by sdrawkcaB March 30, 2015
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split tale- a man who goes both ways. bisexual. "catcher and pitcher."
Billy.......Watch out changing in the locker room in front

Jason, he is a split tale.
by fuckthathotass69 October 18, 2017
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Refers to taking a substantial enough first gulp from a pint of Guinness that the level of the remaining beer in the glass is directly through the middle of the "G" in the word Guinness, which is printed on the glass.
I can split the "G" when drinking a 16oz American pint, but have yet to do it with a 20oz Imperial pint.
by talk2me-JCH2 March 1, 2021
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Splitting Cannons: The occurrence in which an object, ie: shoulder strap, guitar strap, seat belt etc. segregates two excessively large mammary glands. Size would constitute 36 D and above
Man did you see the chick in that convertible? Her seatbelt was splitting cannons....
by Mr.Cannon January 13, 2011
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