When someone tries to imitate "Gaara" from the Anime series "Naruto" by surrounding themselves in sand in a sandbox and killing themselves.
Codey "Code Red" Porter is was the name of a 10-year-old boy and amateur magician from the state of Washington. It is claimed in the media that the nickname was derived from his name (Codey) and the color of his hair (GINGAH). In fact, it was simply what his parents and close friends would scream whenever he picked up anything sharper than a wooden spoon.

In March of 2008, Codey attempted the dangerous "Sandbox Coffin", an act he saw on the shitty ninja anime Naruto. Porter accomplished the feat, but died soon after in a tragic hilarious turn of events. Naturally, Anonymous leapt to the scene with cruel jokes, lulzy shoops, and fake MySpace accounts. Thus, the death of this class-A Narutard brought much joy to the internet, and Codey Porter is now known as the s& hero.

"this example was founded on http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Codey_Porter"
by eatmahbull October 13, 2008
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When someone says or does something to put you down or make you feel uninspired.
"The boss told us we have less than a day to get our acts together or we're all fired. He really shit in the sandbox."
by Jordano Miles May 22, 2007
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Her sandbox pussy scraped up my dick. That girls sandbox pussy is so dry it gave me dick burn
by Josh and Jordan September 15, 2006
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This is a sexual act when a female receives anal sex from a Mexican on a playground while forced to eat sand. This act always results in the female getting Pinworms.
How did your sister get Pinworms?
From a Mexican Sandbox.
by Concerned Citizen #832 December 28, 2010
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Kinds in a Sandbox is a disgusting video in which a woman shoves a vibrator into the urethra of a man
Kids in a Sandbox is a nasty form of female domination
by Shahnawaz November 16, 2007
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One of the greatest if not best time Garry's Mod semi-anarchy servers of all times.
One thing for sure is that this server is an absolute shithole at times, and it runs its own custom anti-crash, Sentinel
Guy: libby's sandbox has the most horrifying anti-crash i've ever seen in my life...
Guy 2: Are you sure about that? Compare GProtect to Sentinel

Libby's Sandbox is a hellhole semi-anarchy server that is all you need to know
by renn_ October 17, 2022
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