a male or female who happens to be incredibly large and most of the time have a foul stench hence mcnasty. you can usually find these people at bars, ctreet corners, parties, and dances. there is a small chance that you could see a fatty mcnasty at a show. those are referred to as scene fatty mcnasty. those are clearly the worst type of fatty mcnasty's.
me: damn did you see Aly?
guy1: yeah. shes gross. i hear shes scene fucked everyone in every band in this showcase.
guy2:jeez! thats one fatty mcnasty right therrr!
by gina[thelumberjackie] September 21, 2007
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(noun) Plus size women down to seduce Kenneth West, Moe's Burrito Artist.

(adjective) Oversized women willing to pursue sexual intercousre with gingers.

(verb) To Fiesty McNasty
That Ho is straight Fiesty McNasty.

That scallywag straight Fiesty McNastied him.
by Senior Gato February 17, 2008
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Term used to insult a female who is considered to be unclean, nasty in appearance, and/or demeanor.
"Hey Sally McNasty, why don't you try taking a bath, and being a little nicer?"
by Angelic_Sherry September 19, 2005
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is a girl of great multitude who like to have sexual interaction on a daily basis
jenna is a slut mcnasty cause she sucked dick today
by donpedro101 November 13, 2011
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when someone eats their food in a manner that would induce vomiting from anyone unlucky enough to be near them at that time. especially people that get grease or sauce all over there face while eating. the more zits the more likely you are dealing with a true Thasty Mcnasty.
dude look at how he has more chicken on his face than in his mouth, he is pulling a thasty mcnasty.
by hookman13 July 8, 2010
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Is she wearing crotchless panties to her brothers 7th birthday party? That girl is Shasta McNasty!
by JiSiL October 18, 2014
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something you say if you're a middle age black woman at the movie theatre watching the hulk
shazza mcnasty the hulk just ripped her a new anus!
by philbert trumpeteer poop January 2, 2004
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