A once amazing show that has undeniably deteriorated. Still good, but definitely not what it used to be. Compare the 1st 2 seasons to the newest episodes.
Family Guy seasons 1 and 2 were great, 3 was good, the 1st half of 4 was ok, but the 2nd half was 80% Meg bashing and flashbacks.
by Adrian July 18, 2006
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-A show that was funny at first but then it failed shortly after it was re-aired.

-Its creator is an asshole that treats his fans like they are nothing. Why would you treat whoever likes you like shit? Get a life Seth. Get a life. Now its mainly watched by people who laugh at whatever is used as a stupid pun.

-I'm surprised most of the faces of pop-culture havent tried to assasinate Seth.

-It is often quoted by kiddies the day after an episode airs.
Dan: Hey you remember the old episodes of Family Guy? You know, when they didn't turn to shit?

Mike: I sure do.

I'm starting to wonder how better peoples lives would be affected if Seth died or the show just stayed cancelled.
News anchor: This just in! Renee Zelweger just shot Seth MacFarlene in the chest six times with a 9mm pistol!

Drake: Oh shit! I missed Family Guy last night! Could you recite the funniest moments?

Kiddie: Ok Peter won a golden ticket and he was running like that scene in Willy Wonka and he tripped and hurt his knee and went "Ah! Tssssshhhhh!" repeatadly!

Or, if this were spoken to by an intelligent person

Kiddie: Hey on Family Guy there was this part where--

Person with a brain: Yes! Peters dad died and he went to Ireland to see his real dad! I saw the episode last night on TV for the fifty-billionth time and it was the same stupid jokes over and over so I dont need to hear you repeat it over again!
by General Radec November 5, 2009
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a funny animated series on FOX that got cancelled, but it was never funnier than the simpsons or futurama. now that the show has been brought back to Fox, a lot of faggots watch it which ruins the show, it lacks the originality and hilarity that it first had and sucks a lot, and actually has a reason to be cancelled this time.
bill: yo did u see that new family guy episode last night

jim: no family guy sucks balls now
by mafiaman720 August 7, 2006
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The animated comedy that was largely looked over for its first few seasons and eventually cancelled. During its cancellization the show was distributed to various other channels by fox. From there the show was popularized through word of mouth in high schools throughout America. In 2005 the show was "uncancelled."
1.Man sure sucks that family guy got cancelled, I was one of the only ten people that watched it the first time.
2.Wow Bob! thanks for telling me about Family Guy, it sure is a great show. (one week later) Crap sucks the show got cancelled.
by DrJ May 30, 2005
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Family Guy is an animated TV show created by Seth MacFarlane in 1999. It was then cancelled in 2002, but production then began soon after huge DVD sales kicked in.

Relies on pop culture and flashbacks to various points in history or geography, involving the characters and their hilarious outcomes.

Recently attacked by the creators of South Park, where the writers of Family Guy turned out to be manatees that would take a ball from their tank and put it in a small pile to form an episode.

Although, the episode was completely pointless, because we all know Family Guy’s writing isn’t that great, except for maybe the first 3 seasons as the jokes weren’t as random and were actually interconnected to the story.

Ever since the South Park episodes “Cartoon Wars”, every South Park fuck has jumped on the bandwagon and hated Family Guy. But what they don’t realize is that if you base a cartoon on total randomness and pop culture, you NEVER run out of material.

The South Park boys wish they had the amount of Family Guy’s audience, too bad.

Who the hell cares whether or not the show has a point? I don’t give a flying fuck, I want to laugh, and when I do, I watch Family Guy.

The exact reason why The Simpsons isn’t funny anymore, if their show was based off pop culture, you’d have never ending material.
South Park joke: Kid crawling up ladies vagina
Audience: lol?
Family Guy joke: Like that time I forgot how to sit down
by Sheep Licker July 16, 2006
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One of the greatest animated shows to be aired on TV which was cancelled because FOX thought they had no viewers which they soon realized they did when adult swim got millions of views, and their DVD's made them made cash. Main characters are the Griffens: Peter, Brian, Lois, Stewie, Meg, and Chirs. Along with their neighbors Cleveland, the black guy, Joe, the crippled cop in a wheelshair, and quagmire, the horny perverted sex freak that whatever he says is hilarious. Family guy uses many hilarious flashbacks along with random scences which makes this show 10x better than the Simpsons and is the best animated show ever.
Guy 1: Family Guy is the best show ever
Guy 2: No way the Simpsons are better
Guy 1: <SMACK> u daumbass family is 10x better
by l Casa l January 31, 2006
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1: Remember that episode of Family Guy we saw a few nights ago?
2: Dude, that was The Simpsons
1: Yeah, that's what I said.
by David Horv January 9, 2006
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