1. a ciggarette
2. a person who wont break the rules
1.gotta square
2.dude ur a fucking square
by poop December 9, 2003
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One who has a square or rectangle shaped head.
That Rob Aitken is such a square!
by TheBoss09 December 2, 2009
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The best way to kick someone in the nuts.
Goddamnit, I swar, I'm gonna kick yah, squar, in the nuts...
by muhaha March 13, 2003
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"Yo you got any squares" or
" do you want a square ?"
by The OG Dank June 25, 2016
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another name for a cigarette given because it is round
Q: "what kind of square you got?" A: "All i smoke is menthols."
by nikia jonez October 19, 2008
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A lame, uncool, unhip* some say unhep* person. In Jazz music this term first originated as square records *usually given as a sampler or for free at the record stores* that had very stupid tunes on them.
Greg you listen to that shit. You are such a square.
by steelslammer December 2, 2007
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