Meaning of non-churchgoer in English:



A person who does not attend church regularly or at all.
Easter is a time of the year when many non-churchgoers will attend

Non-Churchgoer (Nɒn-tʃɜ (r)tʃˈɡəʊə(r))
by ANCIENT_WOLFY January 20, 2022
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R Y R Two lost souls in a sea of love, even if I can't write your name, the feeling describes everything.
R Y R Two lost souls in a sea of love, even if I can't write your name, the feeling describes everything.
by Quira7 November 22, 2021
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Raisins and more Raisins
Charlie Slimecicle: Man, Spider-Man does all this work when do you think he gets his r&r? His Raisins and more Raisins
You: *Very loud Manic laughing*
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This when you get rape and rob mostly by strippers and when they got your cum/dna/sperm in you from when they rape you. They lie to the police and say you rape them. They always believe women because they hard up on Pussy and want it bad . Sex wise.
R&R put so many good innocent people away. The world is black in darkness now mon again.
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R&R is a term to descrivbe a girl called rebecca who is raging this word is commonly used by Loyal Luke in the raging Team as a sub nickname for Raging Rebecca
"time for some R&R "- Loyal Luke Raging rebecca "WTF"
by Fish and chip 202 November 5, 2020
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