1. One who gives (or has recently given) oral sex

2. State of having cum on ones face or lips.

3. Slang word for a person who has cheated on their significant other by having oral sex with someone else.
Thanks for the good time, Putty Lips!

You ass hole! How could you do that to me, Putty Lips?
by cgd October 14, 2006
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what you call someone who wears copious amounts of makeup.
Dude 1: Yo Dude, see how much makeup that girl is wearing over there?

Dude 2: Oh yeah putty face, she must slap it on with a trowel.
by AussieMale June 18, 2009
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(Verb.) when you’re pooping and you forget to wipe. Go down to this e
Man 1: gotta fat cock

Man 2: I forgot to wipe when I want to the bathroom. And now I Got mad serios chicken putty in my underwear.
by KG&GB April 19, 2021
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Used to describe a dramatic piece of shit after the honeymoon phase is over in a relationship
You are such a fucking dramatic piece of shit once the honeymoon phase is over and you’re all pice is putty
by booneboone August 30, 2018
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When a girl have severe diarrhea, and it gets on her vagina and a guy fuck it, sounding similar to kids playing on a puddle.
Uohh you got that Putty Cunny , can I lick it off?
by A student of Nyan October 30, 2023
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Another street name for hallucinogenic mushrooms (Shrooms).
Juuler #1: damnnnn brahhh I saw manbearpig in my trip dooood!

Juuler #2: yea man it’s this silly putty, it’s wack asf.
by HenloThere April 18, 2018
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A character who habitually batters a fully loaded anus.
Well that chocolate box got its milky way managed by a putty pusher
by Shatterplatter November 1, 2013
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