Marine Corps Slang - The horrible test for STD's involving the male penis. In order to get a sample/culture - the doctor will insert a wand that resembles a pipe cleaner. This test is usually very painfull, especially after when you must urinate. The test is simalar to that of cleaning a military rile barrel with tools called a "bore punch"
Dude I fucked that Thai hooker in Fuket Beach and had to get my BORE PUNCHED when I got back to the ship because I had the drippy dick.
by B, E, double Bizzle September 21, 2006
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The trademarked punch that drives all the girlies crazy.
Gimme some of that Kuta Punch or I am going to die
by txst mu sig February 18, 2013
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A fruit flavored drink such as koolaid mixed with large quantities of grain alcohol in order to make a inconspicuous intoxicating beverage that can be consumed at a public event which might lead to drunken fighting or rioting.
It wouldn't be a Phillies game without some riot punch.
by cd134 October 23, 2009
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A punch that prior to, one must rub their entire hand in the crevice between their balls and leg.(Most effective after a thorough workout)

Also called Tuna Slap, The Belgian Greeting, and Grandpa's Whistle.
Uncle Gary doles out a mean Meat Punch!
by SneakyPriest June 26, 2011
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Kate Punch is the most popular online chain letter today punching along all over facebook, youtube & other social networks by a friend of a friend's friend.

Kate Punch is a skinny little 12 year old girl w/black hair, dark blue eyes & pale skin sporting fun bright colorful make-up was gutted bloody rot in her sleep the night she started her period by a Creepy Hook-Handed Stranger who was madly infatuated with her… 4 she is the girl.
At the witching hour on Hallows Eve night u can hear the leaves whisper in trees like witches as the murderer chanted “Vulpine Acute Hooky” as he stabbed her bloody dead.
Kate wants revenge! Now that u have read this… in-between the click of the light switch, Kate Punch will enter your dreams tonight 2 hook u bloody rot 2 freaking hell!
Standing next 2 u beside your bed… there’s a fine line between Love & Hate… . staring at u with 1 blue bat of her spider lashes… u smell Candy Apple across her face & with her wickedly cheeky smile that plays around her lips, sharp & perilously, she’ll slice her finger upward with a crafty sharp hook… her bloody red finger dragging & bleeding the word “EVOL’ which is “Love” spelt backwards across your chest. With a twinkle in her eye, she’ll kill u the way the Creepy Hook-Handed Stranger stabbed her 2 death.
Unless, u comment this story to 10 different people, Kate Punch will not harm u. 1 out of 10 people you comment must start her period tonight. If not, you’re screwed… Kate Punch is coming 2 LovE youuu
OMG! Vulpine Acute Hooky! Kate Punch is coming to LovE youuuu....
by heDidAveryBadThing July 16, 2010
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A term used in Australia. A very hard punch, usually delivered to the head, that is completely unexpected. Most often results in knock outs or knock downs. Viewed upon by most as an act of cowardice. Simmilar in meaning to king hit and sucker punch.
Dont call it a king hit, cause it's a coward punch!
by 4444qwerty4444 January 9, 2014
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