Working definition of " POACH ":

transitive, intransitive verb or noun
to poach (somebody/something) (from somebody/something) --
To take and use somebody/something that belongs to somebody/something else, especially in a secret, dishonest or unfair way

Source: the Advanced Oxford Dictionary online

Main definition for "QUOTE-POACH":

To 'steal' a quote that has been attributed to someone else, and then post it up elsewhere.

(Even better when you don't even credit the attributed name, on your Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/About.Me account.)
For the word ' poach ':-
E.g. 1: The company poached the contract from their main rivals.
E.g. 2: Several of our employees have been poached by a rival firm.
E.g. 3: I hope I'm not poaching on your territory (= doing something that is actually your responsibility).

Source: the Advanced Oxford Dictionary online

For the phrase ' quote-poach ':-
Example 1 of bad quote-poaching practice:

"I always thought that imagination is more important than knowledge; and yeah, I just made that up lol"
says Scumbag Steve.

Example 1 of good quote-poaching practice:
"You know, my mama always said, 'life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get,"

reminisces Forrest Gump.

Example 2 of good quote-poaching practice:-
the following lines on a Facebook Wall/Timeline post:

"Habit is habit,
and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time. "

Wise words, Mark Twain.

(quote-poached from Lift.do)
by lekopiwriter October 22, 2013
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When a person works in someone else's excel tab and screws up the workload.
1. "Hey quit tab poaching! You're screwing up all my work!!"

2. "He is such a tab poacher. He has no idea which sheet he is supposed to be working from."
by Rickard Nilsson June 27, 2008
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The practice of fishing through documents, websites and prior presentations for material to copy into new documents, websites and presentations.
I have to get this new training program done. Since I really don't know the materials I'm going to have to poach and release in order to get this done!
by ilookmarvlus March 22, 2016
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The act of a man ejaculating on his partner after sex, esp. on the stomach.
She's so hot, I'd poach an egg on her
by CubRico November 12, 2016
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poached duck, noun. a ridiculously inside pitch that causes the batter to spin around with his arms all twisty like.
Man, I killed Shane Vic last night with the poached duck to close out an 11 inning battle.
by Big Z's Bullpen Express April 26, 2010
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The act of joining a group or adding a friend that you otherwise would not have done after looking at someone elses page.
Dude, I just saw that Bob just joined the "not being stabbed in the face" group on facebook. That's funny, I am so facebook poaching that!
by the Catalina wine mixer June 16, 2009
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when you tell your friend something funny and they then tell it to every one else to make them seem funny
tom hansen joke poaches all the time
by itslunchtime687 July 24, 2009
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