A respectful woman who understands the struggles of being a man
Pick me girl: *agrees with a dude*
Misandrist: aww did he pick you yet?
by defrt January 13, 2021
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A pick me girl is a girl who needs male approval in order to be "picked". It's hard to explain, so look in the examples for a better representation.

A pick me boy is a boy who typically uses these emojis :🥺😞, and makes reverse psychology remarks to make people feel bad for him in a a way.
Pick Me Girl/Boy
Girl 1: omg I have a big tummy.
Pick me girl: "sees a group of guys walking by"
Also pick me girl: Guys look! She's insecure about her body! Couldn't be me tho! I have an amazing body!
Pick me girl: Hey guys sorry I couldn't play football with you today. *points to ankle brace* I twisted my ankle last night.
Also pick me girl: *walks into class perfectly fine with no brace the next day*
Pick me girl: OMG Jason stopppp hehehehe! Jasonnn omgggg! Stoppp! *punches Jason's arm*

Pick me boy texting a girl:
Hey -insert name- you looked amazing today at the assembly. I could never though, I'm so ugly!
Girl: oh uhh but you aren't ugly i guess.
Boy: :0 so you think I'm handsome?
Girl: What?? I never said that
Boy: oh.. so I'm ugly 😞🥺
Girl: what no 😐
Boy: so i'm hot?
Girl: -blocks-
Pick me boy: Nice guys always finishes last
Pick me boy listening to all girls are the same
sees a girl walking by
Pick me yells: ALL GIRLS ARE THE SAME.
Girl; -changes her direction-
by ikimdumb :) March 11, 2021
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Pick me girl is a girl who seeks attention fork boys and strives to hang out and talk with them constantly.
Don’t be a pick me girl like that girl Cooper over there.
by Jack Harlow March 30, 2021
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The REAL definition of a pick me. A female who craves attention from men or women. Will do anything to get attention such as send noods, post attention seeking pics while claiming other females who disapprove are "just jealous". They also tend to only acknowledge males, never their female partners.
Normal girl: " You posted a pic to show off your new shirt, but all you see is cleavage.
Pick me girl (real)"you're just jealous"

Pick me Girl (real) (Joins fb car group and Tries to post a pic of her car, but she's in a bikini infront of it)

Pick me girl (real): runs up to a couple and pretends she's best friends with the guy, while ignoring his partner.
by Notfake123 August 16, 2021
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A pick me girl is a girl who'll do anything to prove shes's nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs. They do this to impress men, or shall i say "the boyzz 🥶🥶". They mostly say things to defend the boyzz like:
NoT aLl MeN. Or: i HaTe ThE cOlOr PiNk. Yea, it's so dumb.
Some girl: *explaining about how a creepy guy was staring at her or something like that.*
Mary: nOt AlL mEn
Her friend Dodo: Ugh! You're such a pick me girl Mary!
by imhungrymom August 30, 2021
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This sub type of pick me girl is harder to spot because she hates the traditional pick me girls more than the average girl does. traits of this pick me girl includes :
1. lowkey trying to impress males with how “intelligent” you are or your “assest
2. being over the top with BLM ACAB Feminism etc to the point where it comes across fake and forced

3. dressing like a “hipster” but shopping at urban outfitters

4.calling 90% of other girls pick mes just because they don’t have the same opinions as them

the anti pick me girl will never admit she’s a pick me and try convince you nothing she says or does is for make attention
My bro : She tries so hard to not be a pick me but it’s so obvious

me : she’s the typical anti pick me girl bro
by Just_a_simp January 8, 2021
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