A tree hugging group of hippeis who spend more on propaganda and photo shoots then they do actually helping animals. 98% of PETA "publicity" involves semi-naked male or female models, who apparently garner more attention to their you know whats, then spend almost none of their money actually helping animals
by I love Jaffas August 5, 2011
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People Eating Tasty Animals; the antithesis of the p.e.t.a (people for the ethical treatment of animals).
People in the p.e.t.a are stupid. Join PETA instead!
by Brilee August 23, 2005
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Past tense: PETA’d

To show graphic images of mutilated animals to either prove your point or make someone that you are having an argument with suddenly need to eject their lunch that they just had, through their mouth (AKA vomiting )

The action of showing graphic images of mutilated animals to either prove your point or make someone that you are having an argument with suddenly need to eject their lunch through their mouth (AKA vomiting )
I’m going to use these graphic pictures of mutilated dogs to PETA Bob.

I PETA’d Bob so badly he vomited into the toilet twice!

The PETA that I am about to do will make many people realize that they must become vegan.

The PETA that I am about to do will cause many people to vomit up their lunch.
by MyPi February 25, 2019
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A shit organisation who fucks every animal to death.
by Lange30 April 1, 2019
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people who take animals, and kill them, or something like that idk its 2021 they could have changed or something, or not and i get to yeeelt at them for being PHYCOS
bruh: hey want some chickens and rice?
broi: sur-
(boss music starts playing)
broi: why do i hear boss music
by someone else thats not u March 10, 2021
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Punishing Exotic Terrestrial Animals.
They kill animals to sell their organs on the black market. When someone kills an animal, even for consumption they act like it’s horrible. They disguise themselves as People of the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They made 1,500,000 million dollars by selling the organs of a frozen mammoth. The people who they sold it to consumed the organs. In fact, they sold a panda’s reproductive organs to a pornstar if they would give them 1,000 dogs with a rare medical condition that they would later sell.
PETA kills 5,000,000 animals a year.
by Unknown Unknown Unknown Thing November 12, 2019
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A terrorist group that, from the moment you visit their website, you will be attack with acritle after article of vegan propaganda. They have banned pokemon and probably want to destroy it because of the fact that you capture pokemon. They have released several games, most of them portraying anyone who eats meat as a loathsome person. They have also released parody pokemon games where you play as pokemon and Ash Ketchum is the main villain.
They also get triggered on Steve Irwin's Birthday. They only focus on they bad treatment of animals, instead of the thousands of pets that receive love.
PETA should be called PETABNH) (People for the prevention of cruelty to animals but not humans)
by TheRealMugman October 29, 2020
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