A disgusting place full of disgusting people. Many people in eastern PA go there, only because it's so close, and then bitch constantly about how much they hate it. It is extremely crowded and there is no high-end luxurious place to stay. Often referred to as the opposite of the French Riviera or the worst beaches/shores in the world.
Where are you going this weekend?
Down the jersey shore.
That's awful, why?
Yeah I know, but we can't afford to go anywhere decent.
by ab49 October 8, 2005
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runs from ocean county, to long beach island, to cape may. AC, OC, WW, CM. it is a place that is very impossible to stay at becuz all of south jersey owns the shore houses. good place to find hot jersey girls during the summer. people also go there on memorial day weekenend and then someoone ends up getting jumped, drunk or dead from a gangfight.
Atlantic City sucks and Ocean City is the place to be.
by something March 24, 2005
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jersey shore, is the meaning of life. a bunch of juiced up guido's and orange tinted guidettes PARTYTING IT UP. side effects of watching this show :fist pumping, urge to tan, attraction to hair gel, the need to "get it in" 24.hours.a.day.
ME:dudeee did u watch jersey shore last night
MICHAEL: yeahh i brahh i had this inexplicable need to pump my fist and say YEAH BUDDY repeatedly
by miss-juschillin_97 August 7, 2011
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Giving your partner a golden shower while fist bumping.
Danny gave me the best Jersey Shore the other day!
by Vagickal November 27, 2018
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A show that's actually really funny if you take time to watch a few episodes! I used to bash it to before I actually WATCHED it (wow what a concept), and now it's my favorite show.

If you're opened minded and can get past the guys calling ugly girls "grenades", excessive tanning, wifebeaters, and the super annoying "Stahp, Ron, Stahp!" then you're in for a really funny show with some of the funniest moments in television history.
jersey shore phrases:
"Aw yeah "insert anything here" yeah!"
"It's t-shirt tiiimeee! T-shirt time! T-shirt tiiimeee!"
"If she still plays/does ----, than she's too young for you bro!"
"Come at be bro!"
"I hate the ocean, it's all whale sperm. Everybody Google it, because that's why the water is salty, from the f*ckin' whale sperm."
"Standing in one corner, 4 foot 9, 2 inches w/the poof, 'Snooki' Polizzi... standing in the other corner at 322 lbs, the Staten Island Dump."
"I went to the doctor he told me you gotta stop drinking, stop doing drugs & stop havin' sex, ya know what I did? I switched f*ckin' doctors!"
by Shuxxa21 September 11, 2011
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Is when you blow air into someones asshole like blowing up a balloon.
i put my face in this chicks ass and gave her a jersey shore blowfish.
by tbagmartin March 28, 2010
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Someone who loves/is addicted to the show "Jersey Shore".
Person 1: Hey wanna hang out tonight?
Person 2: I can't, Jersey Shore is gonna be on.
Person 1: You're such a Jersey Shore Whore.
by Mariann14 August 20, 2010
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