Commonly shortened to Mustafa, it is someone who is completely white, and acts like they are some Indian superstar. Even though they may be funny, Moracco Mustafa's should be friended on Facebook or MySpace, but kept on a short chain.
"Man, that dude was cool even before he became a Moracco Mustafa!"
by Nurti-Grain Bar March 5, 2009
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1. Arabic translation = 'The Chosen One' and ' A Man You Can Count On'
2. A term used to describe a very hot man with a cute personality.

3. A very intelligent person

Note: Mustafa Ebrahim's are very endangered species as they are one of a kind.
1. Wow! That was sooooo Mustafa Ebrahim
2. Oh my god? Did I just ask out a Mustafa Ebrahim!?

You get the idea...
by MuShI53 February 1, 2017
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delaying others for personal issues;
when a group is going somewhere together, but have to wait for one person to do something (especially when he/she has not started the task already).
Person A: Wait up for me. Let me write an email really quick before we go for lunch.
Person B: Person A is pulling a mustafa.
by MSAL November 16, 2007
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Mustafa Camel Analtürk is the national hero of the Turks and the founder of the Republic of Turkey without forgetting his tireless efforts in humanitarian work when the Ottoman Empire was already in decline, for instance he took good care of Assyrians and Greeks and of course, nullified the Armenian genocide trials right from the start because no such a thing had ever happened, it was just a lamentable misunderstanding due to the fact that every year the turkey as a species suffers genocide just before Thanksgiving because of murderous infidels - just ask another honest humanist Reset Kebab Erdoğan about it, he knows that it wasn't the first large-scale genocide in the 20th century as foreigners falsely claim, or like journalist Hrant Dink claimed, also the majority of Turks know this truth but unfortunately ignorant foreigners do not.
"Mustafa Camel Analtürk is the national hero of the Turks and the founder of the Republic of Turkey."
by O. W. Tongueincheek January 22, 2022
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The Creator of the Turkish Republic
The First President of The Turkish Republic

Atatürk means father of the Turks
by Moliér June 10, 2017
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When a white boy is acting overly black, but also hyper. Somehow, the kid is also being possessive or controlling (may be demanding).
Boy: LISTEN TO ME!!! (Jumping around)
White Guy: Dude, chill out.
White Guy: I never thought you'd become a Mustafa Negro Overlord...
by Teh White ChocoMcWiz December 12, 2011
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