That last strike was a f***ing melvin
by MPH25 August 24, 2008
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Basically a nerd. A person who plays video games all day and thats his life and obsesses over good grades. Some melvins are just plain losers which are guys who play video games all day and maybe guitar and don't get good grades. yea they exist. He's also the guy who joined the football team because he really has no life and you know when hell week comes up or when you guys finally get pads you're going to make him wish he didn't join. They also talk about guns and military and fighter jets and WWII battles and shit you REALLY REALLY JUST DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT and you'd wish they'd stop talking about that shit when they're in your class and everyone just looks at them and looks down, rubs their nose bridge, and sighs.
Dude this fag is posting random shit about guns and dude just omg

I know right?! what a fuckin Melvin
by BongLord Larry July 26, 2010
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That girl is such a Melvin... I would not touch her with a 40ft pole
by Andrew Rosenzweig March 20, 2007
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Very skinny and gay. Has a small penis. Acts strangely as if someone is always out to get him. Extremely paranoid, maybe because he is gay. Likes popular brands and spending money on them. Probably spent a lot of money on a house that might unfortunately burn down at some point.
Guy 1: Oh my god, my house burned down!
Guy 2: You must be a Melvin.

Guy 1: Dude I can't take it any longer! I have to come out of the closet and be gay.

Guy 2: You must be a Melvin.

*Guys goes to a store*
Guy: I would like to buy Gant, Levi's, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Peak Performance and Ralph Lauren.
Cashier: Dayuuuuum son, your name gotta be Melvin.
by bigfagnamedmelody January 23, 2019
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When two or more people are wearing the same shoes side by side.
Look at those three girls all wearing Ugg boots......what a bunch of melvins.
by rosalie385 February 2, 2010
Get the melvin mug. suddenly become uncool or unpopular (SEE: Geek, Nerd) ruin something, or make it useless
1.That jock got melvinized last week, and now hes hanging out with the nerds that go to the library during lunch to play runescape
2.The nerd who found the holy grail drank from it, and nobody longer wanted it because it was melvinized
by moedameyer washington October 13, 2005
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noun: Used to refer to a penis of a rather small nature. Typically found in males.
Girl: "Ughh, I hate having sex with Jeremy. He has such a melvin."
Other Girl: "Oh well you know what they always say. Size clearly matters".
by cbreezy32 May 13, 2014
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