A new unit of measurement based on the stature of a man called Martin (MT). A Martin is 5 Foot 6 inches or 167.64cm.
How tall was that guy? Approximately two Martin's
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Hey, you're pretty cool.
Thanks, I know that I'm pretty Martin.
by Camillaaa April 22, 2019
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Martin is a red head who still likes his ex even tho he knows she doesn’t like him
Martin is a simp for his ex;)
by Shiii idk November 21, 2021
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martin is a skinny fuckboi, he is gay and do like to suck juicy ass big cocks, martin do like to take noah in doggystyle really hard and do like to put snus in his asshole, yeah!
martin is a normal kid!! yeah.. laget av noah
by juicychips March 28, 2023
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The obese pig in the world who has a Fettish of fartIng
Girl1:OMG it smells horrible right here what is up with the smell!
Girl2:OMG it’s Martin the fartin RUN!
by Digga ligga September 12, 2020
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