The sexual act of eating Mac and Cheese off of someone's back. A form of food fetishism. Popularized mainly in Wisconsin but also known in Iowa, and some parts of Missouri.
"This girl I was seeing was weird as hell, she wanted me to eat mac and cheese off her back"
"Oh yeah, that's Wisconsin Macaroni. Gotta take those bro."
by Jimothee Carpenter January 15, 2023
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a weird made up word made up by a weird person who wont follow ppl back
anyway you want to use muddy macaroni, it can be used.
by mel.z July 26, 2017
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ass macaroni is when you have haemorrhoids in the shape of elbow macaroni
"tia has some fine ass ass macaroni goin' on"
by @supersexysex April 27, 2014
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When person is so intelligent that nourishment loses all its meaning and the person eats only macaroni and drinks water.

Macaroni in this case refers to all pasta related products, but not some delicious pasta, but shitty ass pasta, and to reach full macaroni level one must not just eat poorly, but also excel in intelligence enough to casually abolish all physical needs.
"That guy's too smart for his own good, he's gone full macaroni."
"He's reached full macaroni level of intelligence."
by Not full macaroni yet August 23, 2017
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A dirty macaroni is only successful if your partner has and std or sti but if so you get the macaroni and you mix the juices of the females infected vagina with the macaroni noodles then they can be used to be thrown at people giving them std or sti if they were to eat them.
Keep talking and Ima hit you with a dirty macaroni
by HxnchoDaYxungin February 18, 2021
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The hypnotizing Crayola crayon which always causes one to frothe at the mouthe and dream of what could be.
guy 1: Did you see my Macaroni Yellow?
guy 2: No I ated it!
by JeanieXO October 21, 2009
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When a guy shoves his dick in your pussy (another term for Sex)
It's not good sex if it doesn't sound like sausage and macaroni

Him: do you wanna have sausage and macaroni tonight?
Her: sure thing daddy
by Chlo_bot February 12, 2021
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