Kat is someone i can say with excitement that she is my soulmate, my future wife, my everything. Everyday i wake up i am so happy that she is right there.
by Big Toog March 17, 2021
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Bestest person in the word super cool has a lot of swag and veryveryhot
by vix 😫☝️ March 13, 2021
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A attractive girl that drives a Landrover and doesn't care about anything because daddy is always gonna pay up.
Dude don't be a Kat that's not cool.
by mpcart February 10, 2015
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keeping along variety of different spits of dna in your mouth, around your face and in your vagina.
Felix, "I just kissed Alexa, right after my three some with Ben and Cookie yesterday, what a Kat."

Jen,".... Kat is so wierd."
by itsmybirthday December 15, 2009
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A dumb person wo is a buttole and bullies oters
Kat is self- centered
by Tracey June 9, 2018
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the most amazing person in the world, she is amazing, smart, beautiful and talented and she helps everyone including me *MIO*. she is very kind and funny. I'm very happy to be her girlfriend <3
by jahahaha9!2!2!, May 9, 2021
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Kat is an amazing girl, She may be shy at first but then she starts to get more comfortable with you, Sometimes she is very open with her struggles and problems at home. Kat can be a very sweet and caring person but you don’t want to get on her bad side. Kat is a very insecure girl and swears nobody likes her, Most Kats may have brown or black hair and brown eyes not many Kats have green or blue eyes they are rare. Kat also may struggle with giving you a real answer she may say “I don’t know” “Don’t know!” Kat is also a very smart person. Kat wishes to be an actor or an singer Kat is an very talented person she’s just great. Kat’s may struggle with relationships and they don’t really show their real feelings for the person. Kat is a very beautiful girl you won’t regret being friends with her I recommend finding one ...
Person 1: wow Kat is so beautiful

Person 2: Wow wow I have to get her number

Person 3: No man I want her she’s mine !
Kat: sorry I have a girlfriend 🖕
by unknown 1010101 April 19, 2021
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