The man who is fucking your girlfriend, wife, life partner, or significant other while you are on any extended military training or deployment.
PVT Smith: Yo did you hear PVT Jones got Jodied last week?
by Badah9 August 10, 2019
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A boy who's in great shape, ripped from top to bottom. Good hearted soul who catches the short end of the stick for his mischievous behavior. Can't sit still; driven by a motor. A handsome man with a bad boy image. Knows right from wrong but often makes the wrong decisions. Impulsive, loud and tough as nails. Has an issue with listening; a one track mind. Short tempered but a true sweet heart. Babies love him. Loves the outdoors.
Has a very large penis and likes to show it off. Opens refers to himself in the third power. "The Jody"
All the babies just love that Jody! They smile when they see his face.
I wish Jody would sit down and shut his mouth. Have you seen Jody's penis? OMG, he is hung like a horse.
Jody is a really sweet boy.

I have answered that question three times, Jody. Please close your mouth an listen when I am speaking.
by JMORTON5 February 6, 2010
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A masterful warrior, he will love you fiercely and leave you wanting more. A Jody is often an intelligent, sexy beast. He can't get enough of pleasing his woman so if that's you, hold onto him tight! If you are lucky enough to find a Jody, know you've found a soulmate for life.
I wish my man were more like a Jody.
I saw a Jody on the way into work and I orgasmed in my panties.
by Naddawankwank February 12, 2016
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the greatest person ever. hella sexy and hot. way better than angela lopez. she is so fine. and she has like 6 dogs..
damn, did u see that jody today, she be lookin gooood.
by the secret one101 July 17, 2011
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1. (v.) to injure another through carelessness.

2. To Pull a Jody - to injure another through carelessness.
"Man, that guy totally pulled a Jody last night, I think he broke my toe."
by Raconteur October 27, 2012
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see that vauxhall corsa only a Jodie would drive that!
by bb1032 June 7, 2010
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Sneaking off to go to bed without announcing a proper goodnight, especially when with a large group of friends or family. Frequently accompanied with the excuse of just going to grab another drink or use the bathroom...only to never return!

*Also used in reference to a blueberry iced coffee with almond milk, for those with the most distinguished of taste buds.
“Damn it! It’s only 9pm and Ed just pulled a Jody, time to go wake him up with a dogpile!”
“...keep the group distracted, I’m going to pull a Jody and go to bed!”

* “hey, can you grab me a Jody special when you pick up your coffee??”
by Arosee July 22, 2019
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