basically they wanted to collect every particle of a human female menstrual period cycle to study and analyze the egg that's being discarded through this process but they couldn't ever find a female clean or enough or hygienic enough to work with during these end times...and they look to me for an solution and i had a simple one that i did not offer it and ask them to leave me out of science the study and research of the world around them because its purely can be nonsense and heresy...and its too deep for me to speak on if i wanted to ...i have more important things to worry about instead of an unfertilized rotten egg...just an cliche expression not a true definitive expression because again i have no knowledge of what's going on during this process
do they have to study absolutely everything like that and The Virgin Essence failed experimentation too? they look for a cure in everything but their own shit.
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When in the presence of a certain person you are overwhelmed with a nervous anxiety of letting them down or aggervating them.
Person1: why not go over there? Person 2: because man she’s so perfect to me I gotta play my cards right. Person 1: what do u mean go! Person 2: idk man the way things have gone the last month I think she’s just letting me down easy. I’m kinda feeling some type of Expedencial essence.
by Titus dyfilid February 24, 2019
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A slang term used in wildstar when being carried by other player's while being an average medic.
Billy- Yo dawg, did you see IIIII tainting someone's essence.
James- Yeah, he just sat there and received free rating.
by Mr Slang May 25, 2015
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adjective, noun. see also booty, wack, stank and tore up

1. an offensive or embarassing behavior
2. something that is terrible, or of poor quality

1. an offensive odor
2. an offensive sight, sound or person
Did you see old girl over there in that skirt? She's about 20 pounds too big for that. She was straight up essence of booty, yo.
by honozooloo April 14, 2009
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video are animated videos that describe what you offer to prospective customers, and then turn them into customers.
Essence Studios provide Explainer video Service
by essencestudios2d October 4, 2021
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Essence eats a lot
Essence likes food she’s very kind she nevers bullying anyone if her cuzzin was bullying someone she definitely wouldn’t help her favorite food is broccoli and her friends are very fucking weird speaking from the heart xoxo!
by November 21, 2021
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Essence can be described as “IT girl” or “her” or “goated
You should really go talk to essence , she’s super dope !
by esse! September 27, 2022
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