1: Knock up some skanky broad
2. Take her to Planned Parenthood
3. As they're scraping out her womb, furiously masturbate in the corner
4. Once the fetus is removed, grab it from the doc and jam it into the skanky broad's cornhole
5. Rail the skanky broad in the ass, using your dead kid as lube
6. ????
7. PROFIT!!!
A properly executed Hamburger Helper will produce lulz for all involved, especially the almost-child
by A_non_4_tha_lulz June 28, 2012
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hamburger helper is a few cumshots on your burger.
When we're out camping, the guys like it when we add our hamburger helper to whatever is on the grill!
by USAF Cadet July 28, 2021
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In most schools, the special ed. stutends get to help out the lunch ladies put together the hamburgers, this job is called Hamburger Helper.
Damn hamburger helpers!!! They drooled in my cheeseburger and put gravy on the bun!
by gamma November 16, 2004
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the act of a man putting on the hamburger helper glove and shoving it up a girls anus hole the glove will go up so far that the shit looks like hamburger helper
" im really hungry would anybody like some hamburger helper."
by nickcory June 4, 2009
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(noun, vulgar slang): an established lesbian or bisexual woman who helps a bicurious woman or girl awaken a lesbian attraction by way of sexual experimenting.
After a weekend with Charlene the tuna helper, Stacy knew for sure that she was a lesbian.

from "tuna" (often used to describe the smell of human female genitalia), and "helper" (one who helps)
by Sadie Verbosa January 2, 2010
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When you take too much of a dip and you use another chip to make the overload of dip not as overwhelming.
"Oh mann, thats a lotttt of dip!"

"Here, take a helper chip."
by Paris <3 May 30, 2009
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New employees or trainees, getting them to do all the shitty jobs at your workplace.
I don't want to do this job today.
Just get one of the helper monkey's to do it.
by Mon the town January 9, 2018
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