The worst way to cope. People often self harm to focus on something physical rather then the mental pain they are experiencing. Some people think self harm is for attention but it's not. Nobody does self harm for attention, and nobody should be treated like they do. If you or somebody you know is self harming please get help.
Self Harm can also be abbreviated as SH
Person 1: " dude Jessica is self harming she is such an attention seeker."
Person 2: "What is wrong with you?! I am going to talk to Jessica never talk to me again."
by PizaCutter February 20, 2023
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It's one of the worst form of punishment that someone can do to themselves, it tears people apart, pushing friends and family aside, going to mental facilities, becoming suicidal, irreversible scars that stick with you forever for a reminder of your darkest times, the scars left over from Self Harm and be seen has war medals, you were one of the few people to make it out of self harm alive.

Self harm can come in many different forms, I'm currently recovering from one round of self harm and starting to enter a second one, the most recognized form of self harm is cutting one's wrists with a knife but other places are cut to hide them of friends and family (waist, thighs, shoulders, etc) another form is scratching yourself to leave marks, people with longer nails are normally the ones to do this, it leaves long trails of red marks about 1 centimeter wide but they fade away after awhile, another form is bruising yourself, this can happen in different ways, hitting yourself, hitting the body part against something (table, wall, etc) a not as common one is scraping one's self until they bleed, using nail files, rocks, or anything that can leave a scrape.

But please remember, you're more than your self harm journey, if no one believes in you I do, when you make it out I'll be even happier, I'm proud of you no matter what, we're all warriors in our own ways ♡
Self harm is a terrifying thing, it destroys and takes lives every year at a worrying rate, it distances people from loved ones
by Butterflymadeofbutter July 26, 2023
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When something bad could occur after making a plan, a person usually says this in a sarcastic way. Mainly used in Ireland.
Person 1: Hey, do you want to rob this persons house tonight?

Person 2: Yeah, but there is a lot of security so there's a chance we'll get caught.

Person 1: what harm!
by Irishboi69 July 25, 2018
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It’s always ‘wrist reveal’ or ‘your just doing it for attention’ but never ‘are you okay, I’m here for you’ it shows how selfish people can be, if you see fresh cuts on a persons body, ask them if they’re okay. If you are dealing with self harm right now, reach out to someone you trust. You are not alone
Anonymous: ‘WRIST REVEAL
Me: ‘HEY! That’s not funny okay’
Anonymous: ‘don’t get so pressed’

Me: ‘ignore them, how are you? I’m here for you if you want to talk, you are NOT alone’

Because self harm is nothing to joke about <3
by June 27 August 9, 2021
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Really awesome person with really cool stuff. He is a crazy man, and is not afraid to kill. Yet, he is a very awesome and cool man.
"Did he you what Kanye West was saying about himself? He's trying to be Taite Harms!"
by NAstyy August 2, 2014
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My name is *____* , I self harm and I just start laughing whenever I feel it cutting deep within my skin. I end up staring at my fresh cut for at least an hour, I don’t know if it’s regret or not but I just don’t understand why it’s so bad? I’m not killing myself every time I bleed? I like it. Maybe one day I’ll stop, with a lot of help
You: ‘do you self harm
Me: ‘yeah yeah I do
by June 27 August 9, 2021
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