Little things that slow you down from skateboarding, or just things that angers ones emotions or feelings
patches or holes in the skater's shoes is an example of a giovanni

word used in a sentence: Oh poor Johnny, fell off his skateboard after running over a giovanni(in this case its a pebble).

by Bry-Rex January 28, 2009
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A gay who calls his friend Francisco’s dick small but in reality Giovanni has a small cock and has to use his finger to masterbate and his friend Francisco has a big phat cock
by Insertnamehere072 June 4, 2019
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a boy who will potentially betray you
person 1: wow, giovanni totally betrayed me yesterday
person 2: yeah, he does that
by pseudonymph99 February 4, 2020
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"That guy is so annoying and not funny what so ever, he must be Giovanni"
by thenamepuppieswastakengrrr October 21, 2019
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A boy that will always be a boy and will always act tough but to everyone surrounding him sounds like a 5 year old saying his curse words for the first time. Also he thinks he treats girls with eveything in the world but little does he know he treats girls like complete shit and blames it on them. Also he is a douch bag . Btw this will always be true
Hey is that Giovanni... ewww
by OnlyFacts/Truth March 3, 2019
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If your name is Giovanni why but you chill but just why are you Italian go make me a pizza slave
Hurry up and stop reading this Giovanni
by Udontknowmeboi April 28, 2020
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a sub teacher that lives with his mom and plays xbox all day, and comb his arm hair. and maybe back hair. don't know and don't want to noe.
giovanni lets play xbox. no i cant cuz i got to try to get hair on my bald spot nd comb my arm hair
by mrs. mavilla March 26, 2009
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