this consists of 5 things a teenager needs to survive which consists of an mp3 player for music, a games console for games, a digital camera for images, a mobile phone to keep in contact with people and a computer which basically organises your whole day, without these a teenager cannot survive
teen 1: what stuff you got dude?

teen 2: i got an ipod, a psp, kodak camera, nokia n95 and a laptop

teen 3: wow you got the full tech gear
by a-lix December 11, 2008
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A nuclear equipped walking death mobile.Origanally designed to shoot down nuclear missles.For defensive purposes of course
LIAR! I already know that Metal Gear is nothing but a nuclear equipped walking death mobil!
by (insert name here) October 13, 2003
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A show where Clarkson drives a silent electric car, Hammond uses the fucking toilet and James commits arson
by Definetly not maxtawan February 10, 2021
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grinding gear - noun
Pronunciation: (grind-ing gear)

Clothes women wear when they go out to the club or a party. Can usually be found at your local "Forever 21" store. Can sometimes can be mistaken as a synonym for "slutty attire". Makes most men lose their mind when they see a woman wearing one. Can also usually lead a man to buying a girl a drink at a club. Typically, women who wear it end up grinding some dude on the dancefloor in the club, hence the term.
"Hey girl! You can make a grown man cry with that grinding gear you got on. Let me buy you a drink!"

"Check out that chick by the bar. DAAAAMMMN! That grinding gear is complementing everything her momma gave her!"

"Girl, we going clubbin' tonight! Put on your best grinding gear and get ready to party!"
by XtremeNinjaXxX September 28, 2011
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1. Popular video game.

2. Used as a mocking expression (spoken in a rough manly voice) when someone repeats what another person just said as a question (Much like solid snake does in the metal gear series).
Person #1
"It's called Metal Gear"

"Metal Gear?"


Person #1
"Hey look, a Plane"

Person #2:
"A Plane?"

Person #1:
"Metal Gear?"
by Maul May 6, 2005
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To step up to the challenge, get motivated, work harder to get the job done. Man up. Entice. Motivational statement.
person 1 - "i'm really struggling to all this done in time..."

person 2 - "you're gonna have to gear up mate."
by someoneathts December 6, 2009
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While a gear whore can be described as someone who has the best, most expensive, coolest gear, and a damn lot of it; it is more commonly used to describe an individual who simply MUST have a shitload of gear, useful or not.

Light & tight is how it should be done, guys.

The ALICE fighting load is good enough for most short-term outings. If you want something to last you upwards of 2-3 days, go for an existence load.
SSgt (name) is such a gear whore. Does he really need 85 pounds of shit for a 12 hour SAR mission?

The next cadet I see with ranger beads, if he can't start rattling off his count within 10 seconds, I'm gonna kick his ass.
by wilhelmwonka December 12, 2007
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