plant,colorful, something that grows from the ground. Creates pollen.r
That flower over there is really pretty, dont you think?
by Michelle Henderson March 15, 2008
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To call someone a flower is like saying they are pretty and delecit
like a flower
Girl: Eww i hate bugs ecspecially big ones
Boy: lol you're such a flower
by coolkid3000 December 4, 2006
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Commonly known by a young couple to be a cigarette.
Female: "I just got flowers today!"
Male: "Hun, don't do them... please?"
by onearme October 1, 2006
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flower is label that encompasses sexuality, gender identity, sex, and romantic orientation. it represents acceptance of these things as social constructs, that are fluid, subjective, and only as meaningful as the individual in question decides they are. flowers have no gender, they can reproduce sexually or asexually, they are beautiful, they are celebrated, and they symbolize love and affection both platonically and romantically. life on earth originated as plant life, and every other life form currently alive is derivative from that, technically making human beings a type of flower. individuals that accept the reality of these ideas are welcome to identify as flowers. it is a label that essentially means no labels at all, representing freedom from the expectations placed upon us by those labels, along with any stigma, divisiveness, or hatred toward any group. it is radical acceptance and celebration of the beauty of the human experience in all forms, and use of the label is meant promote unity and understanding.
no, dear, i’m not a woman, i’m a flower
by thatdodatdodat June 10, 2021
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oh fuck, did I just say flowering the flowers? mork panicked

a mistake mark made in mark and johnny's camping vlive
oh she's flowering the flowers oh okay i get it
by siriusJUSTGIVEMETHENAME March 25, 2021
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To be a flower, to flow
woah, you're like a complete flower dude
by Rob Fulton December 17, 2003
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