Bray is used as a boy or male name where its meaning is "cry out to God" or "gift of God" — this version of the name can also be considered a modern invention.

Also used as Brae, Bri, Braye and a short form of Brayden, Braiden, Bradyn or Breydon. Brayden is from the biblical name Jotham or Jadon, meaning 'thankful'. Biblical personage named Jadon — in the Old Testament, he helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Person A: "He 's living the best life."
Person B: "Yeah, he's so bay."

Person A: "She is bold. So bray."
by watch me flyyy July 27, 2021
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Why do donkeys always bray?This is something I don't get it.
by BlackPohatu October 8, 2016
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The combination of the words "bro" and "gay." It can also be used as the the word "bae"
Woah dude, that guys my bray.
by eliboi July 2, 2017
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Northern English: To beat something or give someone a really bad beating and kicking.
"If I see that guy who slept with wife, I swear I'm going to bray him."
by Equaliser February 13, 2017
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Throwing a winnable game.

To celebrate even before winning the game.

Attempt to kill an enemy while can end the game with one more hit.
Being defined as throwing.

This guy can end the game but he choose to bray it.

Why you bray? Later you lose.
by MLBBDictionary October 30, 2023
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The fucking door was stuck, I had to bray it with a hammer..
by Deathray Sunset. April 3, 2018
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