something or someone that is tight, phat, chill, cool, rocks, or just plan awesome
dam fool that shirt is the bomb you know
by kdiddy September 9, 2003
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Noun. A 'bomb' is used to describe a drug (typically ecstasy pills or MDMA), which has been ground up and wrapped in a cigarette paper or other suitable 'wrap' for oral consumption.
"Who's having a line?"
"Not me, snorting hurts my nose - i'll have a bomb."
by Eradeziel March 2, 2006
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verb, to go down a hill fast on a skateboard
Let's go bomb that hill.
by Mad Dog Mari May 22, 2005
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Bomb It: (verb) The action in which one goes real fast and real hard without any care for style, freshness, steez, etc. If you're gonna bomb it you just fucking do it.
"Dude I'm thinking about a melon or a nosegrab on this next hip"

"Yeah bro I might try a backside one grab or whatever"

"Fuck that dude just fucking do it. But if you do go for the backside one start switch that would be easier cause you wont land fakie."

"Ok Dude I'll just fucking bomb that shit then"

"Yeah man just fucking bomb it!"

by Scott Patterson January 31, 2008
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refers to anything that is amazing, fantastic, awesome, etc. Doesn't need the modifier the.
Those chocolate chip cookies were bomb!
by Laurz186 May 1, 2005
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A term used for a warehouse supervisor who sits around all day and drinks cofffee,eats doughnuts and talks about his big house the "BOMBEROSA" and his wifes Corvette.
Archie- Man what a Bombe
by Archie September 1, 2004
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bombing: to throw up a huge grafitti piece...also know as tagging a lot of areas in one night. (2) also can mean majorly beating someone up in a fast manner. (3) also can mean heavily and throughly droppin caps on someone in a M.C. battle.
hey brew me and my homies went bombing last night, want to see the billboard I hit up?

yo did you see how he bombed on that fool!

I was bombing on those wack M.C's last night at the b-boy arena!
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 19, 2005
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