A loving, kind, gorgeous person who has the best personality ever. He is a charmer and a excellent hugger. He can make you feel on top of the world when you feel down just with one of his cheeky smiles.He is the perfect boyfriend and is a great love maker. Altogether he is a sexy beast!
He is such a ben
by charlesthebeast1 December 8, 2011
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Really tall, super amazing, the best sex on the planet, huge dick, super cute. Every guy wants to be him and every girl wants him. has the most amazing personality. loves plants. Really strong and can stay up for hours just screwing. Has the most amazing eyes and doesnt know how truly amazing he is.
"Did you see that guy?"
"Yea that's Ben I hear that he is really great in bed"
by Gizmo_26 February 13, 2010
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A boy that is different from any other! A "Ben" is someone who is a life-long friend. A friendship with "Ben" will turn into a romance. They are very smart and are amazing swimmers! A "Ben" is very muscular but never brags.
We have always been friends but now, I love him. He's a Ben!
by Supernora June 22, 2010
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If you're looking at this and you're name is Ben, you're a narcissist
Fuck Ben, he only thinks about himself
by Narcissistic bitc April 8, 2020
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Hey man i was dealin in tha trap last night and i got a big stack of bens.
by Crunk Aint Dead October 21, 2006
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Your own little angel
His eyes could light up the sky and when he smiles you know he is the one.
His is tall and good looking

He is kind, caring, loving,amazing,special and you can talk to him about anything.
He should be preserved so all of the people in the world can view his pure gorgeousness.
He is one of a kind
No one in the world would be able to afford his rare beauty, that he possesses.

If you ever find him please return him to me so he can be loved 24/7
He is rare and very special to me.
I could not imagine life without him
I love him
Person 1- "Have you heard about ben?"
Person 2-"Yes, I don't think his for sale, his very special and only belongs to one girl"
Person 3-"Damn, he sounds absolutely amazing, I wish he was mine"
by blue ribbon chick May 10, 2010
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Scottish slang for the word "in"

Someone would ask. Where is the dogs bed?
Reply it's ben there.

As in it's in there. Referring to another room.
Q. Do you know where my cat is?
A. It's ben there in the kitchen.
by BasketCase77 July 22, 2019
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