The Aqua Globe, an "as seen on tv" decorative glass tube used for watering house plants, is filled with an energy drink, espresso, or GHB then inserted into the rectum for sexual pleasure and prolonged erections. Sometimes referred as "globing" or "gerbil drowning", this practice is common among homosexual males at trendy night clubs.
Hey Les, bring some Red Bull we can do some Aqua Globing at the Sebastian's rave tonight.
by skunkman62 July 13, 2008
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As Jack got in the hot tub, Jen got in. They were both EXTREMELY horny!! So they wanted sex in water, and it became... "aqua sex".
by HornyHottie123 December 24, 2011
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doing a turd in the sea/pool/bath...
by Anonymous February 28, 2003
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The act of shitting in a toilet then quickly picking it out and shoving it inside your partners anus or vagina. Then jump in a 360 whilst you scream "AQUA DOODY".
I had Indian food and pulled a gnarly aqua doody with my sister.
by Thrusty Puss February 19, 2014
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The act of shitting in a pool or lake, or body of water that you can submerge yourself in.
Dude, Brad is aqua dumping in the lake and its now floating!
by Official Br4nd1n0 October 19, 2017
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The act of going in to the pool or sea without wiping the nut of your penis.
Bruh, don’t go in there i just aqua nutted there.

Sir, all the fish in this pound have been aqua nutted.
by Flantman1 July 13, 2019
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a trio of "super heros" who swim in their neighbor carl's pool. often seen with the mooninites. frylock the leader of the group, has laser eyes and levitates. he is also a large container of french fries. master shake, the rebel of the group, think he is a genious. he also is a large milk shake. and finally meatwad. meatwad is the funny one of the group. meat wad has the ability to turn in to a hot dog shape or an igloo shape. meatwad happens to be a giant wad of meat.
aqua teens number one in the hood g
by beastly_05 November 15, 2005
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