a hot sexy dude a little overwight
that kinda fat guy must be a albert because he looks sexy
by 3 guys at a table November 28, 2009
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a child with an abnormal facial positions and loves to annoy people and likes to sneak out to get head from a blonde cheerleader late in the night after smoking bowls upon bowls of marijuana.
"that guy is such an albert."
by whitepeach August 15, 2011
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The act of deriving misconstrued definitions from other words in order to prove your point.
"Dude if you want to hack your computer go and get a feather duster and dust your keyboard." You make no sense man, stop alberting.
by Valoo February 25, 2015
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Fat fuck that has cancer and laughs at poor kids even tho he is ugly as fuck
Albert is Cancer
Cancer is Albert
by BigNegro42069 May 25, 2020
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albert - a large sloth like creature that can sleep for weeks at a time. the albert is also the only mamal that has adapted to eating in its sleep .... harmless unless disturbed while eaten... if attacked by an albert your best chance of survival is to tip it over.
a large gassy fart escaped from the albert

the albert said "im stervin"

the albert fair wanted a bite o the manas bum

by mookieuk November 23, 2007
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1. someone i can read like a book
2. someone who LOVES face rubbing sessions.
3. a true FONDLERRR
4. a sweet person i would love to have in my life.
prince charming is just like an albert.
ok, i lied ;
by KWINHnotKWIN August 31, 2008
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a cool name for a cool guy. a very common name for someone from massachussetts. the sad part though is this name usually means the person doesnt have a lot of friends.
by unknown_name334 May 16, 2011
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