THe sexiest elf alive! hes so fly, for a black guy that is ! I LOVE U CLAY
Clay Aiken is a sexxxxxxxxxxxi lil' dwarf
by Mich Aiken March 16, 2005
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In any competition, when the receiver of second place or a runner-up ends up becoming more successful than the actual winner. This is open to interpretation, of course.
Typically associated with the case of Clay Aiken on American Idol, who didn't actually win, but who has become a more commonly-heard name than winner Ruben Studdard.
Billy ended up becoming a CEO, even though he got second place in the science fair in 4th grade. The first place winner, Paul, lives in his grandma's basement. This is an example of the Clay Aiken Effect.
by tad-pole May 19, 2011
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Publicly hide a secret until your parents die. The intent is to spare them shame (founded or unfounded) out of respect for their well being.
"your Mom doesn't know you date black guys?"

"no way, that'd break her heart. I'm going to Pull a Clay Aiken on this one. "
by SEAMUSO October 21, 2014
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a school where you are either a rich ass person or you're a pot head. sometimes, both. occasionally normal people. almost won state twice, but our quarterback threw the chance away twice and is now at a D2 school with the best running back in the state. our soccer team is legit, girls though, the boys suck. golf is not a sport. swimming does pretty good. volleyball games are only gone to to see some ass. the cheerleaders are mostly whores who have sex with their bestfriends ex or are boy crazy. some are legit. this is the worst school to possibly attend because we have a milkdud as our principal. oh we have coach waters as a legend who had sex with a student. only thing we have going is our football team. and that's barely good this year. so unless you are rich and/or like drugs, don't come here.
person 1: hey I am transferring to south aiken high school this year
person 2: are you a pot head or are you rich?
person 1: no I heard the teachers are very hands on there ;)
by bootysniffer6969 August 22, 2018
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When three or more people engage in suggestive acts with a willing partner in Aiken SC
by _white_guy4 December 6, 2017
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A really great and pretty guy with a great jawline that Can taste the difference in water like a chad. is awesome at geography. Has had 0 girlfriends in his life time (Because they aren't enough for him) and just a really great guy in general altho his skin isn't the best.
gir 1: He's really pretty

guy 2: yeah he's almost half as good looking as Aiken
by defo_not_aiken December 14, 2020
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