A school filled with potheads , cute new kids , perm boys and fake depressed girl .
Person 1: you smoke ?
Person 2: I go to mater academy obviously !
by Tigertheprincipal October 19, 2019
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An absolute shithole of a school. Almost as bad as Reddish Vale.
“Oh my good look! Its Stockport Academy, poor kids who go there…”
by xanupt May 21, 2021
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A place where people's souls and dreams are crushed
Person 1- I go to Starkville Academy.
Person 2- I apologize, that education will not help you in the real world.
by Play_On_Playa January 13, 2011
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A School that feels like a greenhouse. With overpriced food(pizza is mad out of cardboard, Pasta is 95% water.) there are a few good teachers but most just teach you rubbish. The head cares more about your uniform than your education and will send you home for showing an inch of a anchel. Every now and again someone phones up claiming that there’s a bomb and the whole place has to shut down for a couple hours while the police search it. Full of Newcastle fans and a couple Sunderland fans, with a few Man Utd fans dotted about as well. ex-pe teacher / now assistant director has made it his life’s mission to get everyone to go to lessons every morning before the bell goes. Highlights include fire drills, substitute teachers and going home.
Old man: what’s that old greenhouse on the hill that’s made of glass.

Boy: that’s consett academy, where they put hell, forced education and the desert all in one place
by ChristsChin May 26, 2019
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A drug smuggling school located in the middle of fucking nowhere also known as the North East of Scotland. Teachers range from supportive and helpful who care about education to others who will remove you for simply smiling or breathing. If you had the choice of sending your child into the heart of the Amazon or sending them to Banff Academy, I would advise you to get their passport sorted. Head teachers rarely last longer than five years. WARNING: You will loose braincells by spending too much time in Banff Academy.
"Drug smuggling? Must be at Banff Academy."
by XOXO BanffGossipGirl August 19, 2016
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Located in Boston, Massachusetts.
Predestined from birth, the future greatest assholes in America are sent here after they graduate high school.
At this school, assholes refine their skills. They learn to mhc (make her cry) and how to be an all around asshole.
At the end of the year, one lucky guy is given the high esteemed title of "Asshole of the Year," thanks to his hard work, skill, and extreme dedication.
-Did you write your paper for Asshole Academy yet?
-Yes. Its all about how I lead this girl on and was a complete asshole to her and then just stopped talking to her, and then hooked up with a guy...
-Damn man. Thats some good asshole work.
-I know—I'm hoping to become "Asshole of the Year."
by The Duckword June 9, 2010
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