Math, the wretched spawn of satan himself.
Consisting of useless crap you'll never need to know,except for adding,subtracting,multiplication and divison, the rest is there just to stress you out.

But is still needed to get a good job.
"Ok what's the size of the angle X ?"
"Who gives a fuck."
by 3052 April 1, 2005
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How people outside of the U.S. refer to mathematics.
Crikey! I bloody hate maths, mate!
by bumbleclot May 5, 2009
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A horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE confusing subject with a lot of numbers and confusing symbols, and with questions that make no sense!

Something that does nothing for us in life but confuse us and make us depressed, frustrated and unhappy.
Math = Total Hell


M i s e r y
by Sylva S May 21, 2006
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you have to be so big brain to compete with this
by diarrhea dog November 2, 2020
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Something you don't need to know beyond a 3rd grade level to get by in life.
Little Bobby slept through math every day after 3rd grade. He is now a game programmer for one of the biggest game studios.
by C- C- C- Chris May 2, 2010
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