So wet you can shoot snipe off his back.
He sounds so wet and spineless you could shoot snipe off his back.
by Burly Bertie August 7, 2021
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The literal definition that everyone else seems to have completely ignored is "to be covered or soaked with liquid, such as water." It does not have to involve ejaculation, vaginal secretion, or any such thing as that.
Since Jenny refused to dry off after taking a shower, she walked around soak n wet for a while.
by Dark One August 12, 2003
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A slang term for PCP or sherm. It is smoked by dipping a cigarette, joint, or blunt into a jar of the chemical sustance.
"Where dat nigga baby hubcap at?"

"Aww he went down to Watts PJs to get a couple sticks a dat wet cuzz!"
by Dr. Todd Reezee January 28, 2009
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The opposite of dry. You're an idiot if you didn't know this, or thought that it meant...... Something else. =_=
by TheLastNonPervert... October 27, 2013
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To be unnecessarily over saturated with liquid.
A piece of meat swimming in too many juices would be said to be "wet-wet". One might say, "This ham is just wet-wet".
by 2bodd September 14, 2009
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Adonis: Bluh, you see that movie Friday?
Adarius: Ya bud, that shit was wet!


Kobe Bryant scoring like like 84 points. That's wet.
by Adonte May 10, 2008
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